The Kabete National Polytechnic details, courses and contacts

The Kabete National Polytechnic
The Kabete National Polytechnic addressAddress:P. O. Box 29010-00625

The Kabete National Polytechnic locationLocation:Nairobi Kenya

The Kabete National Polytechnic phone numberPhone/Tel No:+254 713 338 683

The Kabete National Polytechnic email addressEmail Address:

The Kabete National Polytechnic website addressWebsite:

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About The Kabete National Polytechnic.
-The current Kabete National Polytechnic has a rich history that dates back to 1924 when the colonial Government started it as a Native Industry Training Depot.
-The Institution is ISO 9001:2015 certified.
-It has 36 Diploma programs, 15 Certificate courses

Programs and Courses.
Certificate Courses()
Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Artisan in Electrical
Diploma Courses()
Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering