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1.   State a circumstance under which each of the following statements are used in a visual basic program: (6 marks) (i) ReDim; (ii) Option base; (iii) Preserve. (Answered)
State a circumstance under which each of the following statements are used in a visual basic program: (6 marks) (i) ReDim; (ii) Option base; (iii) Preserve. .
Posted On:Wed 24, July 2024 03:46:00 am
2.   Write a Visual Basic program that accepts percentage score in an examination through the use of an input box function. The program then displays a remark based on the following criteria. Use case statement. (5 marks) Score remarks 0-40 Failed 41-50 Pass 51-70 Credit Above 70 Distinction (Answered)
Write a Visual Basic program that accepts percentage score in an examination through the use of an input box function. The program then displays a remark based on the following criteria. Use case statement. (5 marks) Score remarks 0-40 Failed 41-50 Pass 51-70 Credit Above 70 Distinction .
Posted On:Wed 24, July 2024 03:44:34 am
3.   State two differences between the unload method and Hide method as used in Visual Basic program forms. (Answered)
State two differences between the unload method and Hide method as used in Visual Basic program forms. .
Posted On:Wed 24, July 2024 03:43:27 am
4.   Distinguish between function procedure and event procedure as used in Visual Basic programming language. (Answered)
Distinguish between function procedure and event procedure as used in Visual Basic programming language. .
Posted On:Wed 24, July 2024 03:40:35 am
5.   Explain each of the following error handling methods used in Visual Basic programming language (6 marks) i. Err.Number, ii. Err.Clear, iii. On Error-GoTo (Answered)
Explain each of the following error handling methods used in Visual Basic programming language (6 marks) i. Err.Number, ii. Err.Clear, iii. On Error-GoTo .
Posted On:Wed 24, July 2024 03:39:15 am
6.   Explain the function of each of the following IDE interface of a visual basic program: (6 marks) (i) Form window; (ii) Property window; (iii) Form layout window. (Answered)
Explain the function of each of the following IDE interface of a visual basic program: (6 marks) (i) Form window; (ii) Property window; (iii) Form layout window. .
Posted On:Wed 24, July 2024 03:38:10 am
7.   State the visual basic conversion type function used to convert a string of the following statement in a visual basic program: (4 marks) (i) Boolean data; (ii) Currency; (iii) Date data; (iv) Integer data. (Answered)
State the visual basic conversion type function used to convert a string of the following statement in a visual basic program: (4 marks) (i) Boolean data; (ii) Currency; (iii) Date data; (iv) Integer data. .
Posted On:Wed 24, July 2024 03:36:56 am
8.   Explain each of the following types of controls in a Visual Basic program (4 marks) (i) DriveListBox (ii) DirListBox (Answered)
Explain each of the following types of controls in a Visual Basic program (4 marks) (i) DriveListBox (ii) DirListBox .
Posted On:Wed 24, July 2024 03:34:54 am
9.   Models are used to represent the architecture of various systems. Briefly explain four types of database models that can be implemented in database design (Answered)
Models are used to represent the architecture of various systems. Briefly explain four types of database models that can be implemented in database design .
Posted On:Wed 24, July 2024 03:33:10 am
10.   Distinguish between a field and a record in database system (Answered)
Distinguish between a field and a record in database system .
Posted On:Wed 24, July 2024 03:31:17 am
11.   Write a program in visual basic that accepts a name and a score of six students in a test through the use of inputbox(). The program should then display the names, scores and the average scores on a picturebox. Attach the code to a command button (Answered)
Write a program in visual basic that accepts a name and a score of six students in a test through the use of inputbox(). The program should then display the names, scores and the average scores on a picturebox. Attach the code to a command button .
Posted On:Wed 17, July 2024 20:00:28 pm
12.   State two advantages of multiplexing in data communication systems (Answered)
State two advantages of multiplexing in data communication systems .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 22:22:22 pm
13.   Distinguish between CSMA/CD and token ring media access methods (Answered)
Distinguish between CSMA/CD and token ring media access methods .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 22:21:42 pm
14.   Define the term node as used in data transmission (Answered)
Define the term node as used in data transmission .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 22:21:03 pm
15.   Explain three functions of the data link layer (Answered)
Explain three functions of the data link layer .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 22:20:22 pm
16.   With aid of a diagram, describe the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagram (Answered)
With aid of a diagram, describe the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagram .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 22:18:08 pm
17.   Differentiate between malware and ransom ware as applied in network security (Answered)
Differentiate between malware and ransom ware as applied in network security .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 22:15:12 pm
18.   Explain each of the following terms as used in the internet (6 marks) i. Bookmark ii. Plug-in iii. Search engine (Answered)
Explain each of the following terms as used in the internet (6 marks) i. Bookmark ii. Plug-in iii. Search engine .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 22:14:21 pm
19.   Explain two roles of the Domain Naming Server (DNS) (Answered)
Explain two roles of the Domain Naming Server (DNS) .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 22:13:31 pm
20.   With aid of a diagram, describe TCP/IP layer model (Answered)
With aid of a diagram, describe TCP/IP layer model .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 22:02:54 pm
21.   Explain three functions of the session layer as used in OSI (Answered)
Explain three functions of the session layer as used in OSI .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:56:28 pm
22.   Differentiate between star and hybrid network topologies (Answered)
Differentiate between star and hybrid network topologies .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:54:46 pm
23.   Distinguish between network and host addresses as applied in IP addressing (Answered)
Distinguish between network and host addresses as applied in IP addressing .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:54:01 pm
24.   With aid of a diagram, describe the structure of a coaxial cable (Answered)
With aid of a diagram, describe the structure of a coaxial cable .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:53:01 pm
25.   Bring your own device (BYOD) poses some risks to software cooperate networks. Explain two potential risks that are likely to be experienced (Answered)
Bring your own device (BYOD) poses some risks to software cooperate networks. Explain two potential risks that are likely to be experienced .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:48:15 pm
26.   Differentiate between hub and repeater as used in computer networks (Answered)
Differentiate between hub and repeater as used in computer networks .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:47:40 pm
27.   Define the term latency as applied in network troubleshooting (Answered)
Define the term latency as applied in network troubleshooting .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:47:05 pm
28.   Describe two components of a data communication system (Answered)
Describe two components of a data communication system .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:46:30 pm
29.   Outline two functions of a network operating system (NOS) (Answered)
Outline two functions of a network operating system (NOS) .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:45:52 pm
30.   Outline two typical features of 10BaseT network (Answered)
Outline two typical features of 10BaseT network .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:45:05 pm
31.   Outline three benefits of OSI model in data communication (Answered)
Outline three benefits of OSI model in data communication .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:44:25 pm
32.   What is a computer Network (Answered)
What is a computer Network .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:43:45 pm
33.   Explain each of the following as used in Data communication (6 marks) a) Simplex Communication system b) Duplex Communication system c) Full Duplex Communication system (Answered)
Explain each of the following as used in Data communication (6 marks) a) Simplex Communication system b) Duplex Communication system c) Full Duplex Communication system .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:42:52 pm
34.   Differentiate between Circuit switching and Packet switching as used in data communication (Answered)
Differentiate between Circuit switching and Packet switching as used in data communication .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:42:15 pm
35.   Differentiate between Data Communication Equipment (DCE) and Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) (Answered)
Differentiate between Data Communication Equipment (DCE) and Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:41:41 pm
36.   Give 3 functions of a protocol in data communication (Answered)
Give 3 functions of a protocol in data communication .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:40:56 pm
37.   What is a protocol as used in computer data communication (Answered)
What is a protocol as used in computer data communication .
Posted On:Mon 22, January 2024 21:09:34 pm
38.   Derive the truth table for each of the following logic gates having two inputs. (i)NOR gate (ii)NAND gate (iii)XNOR gate (Answered)
Derive the truth table for each of the following logic gates having two inputs. (i)NOR gate (ii)NAND gate (iii)XNOR gate .
Posted On:Tue 27, December 2022 08:01:27 am
39.   Peter, John and Mary intend to purchase 15, 16, 18 books and 9, 11, 15 pens each respectively. In shop A a book cost Kshs 250 and a pen costs Kshs 175 while in shop B, a book cost Ksh 225 while a pen costs Kshs 190. i) Represent this information in matrix form. ii) Using matrix method, determine the total cost the three students would spend to acquire the items from shop A and from shop B. (Answered)
Peter, John and Mary intend to purchase 15, 16, 18 books and 9, 11, 15 pens each respectively. In shop A a book cost Kshs 250 and a pen costs Kshs 175 while in shop B, a book cost Ksh 225 while a pen costs Kshs 190. i) Represent this information in matrix form. ii) Using matrix method, determine the total cost the three students would spend to acquire the items from shop A and from shop B. .
Posted On:Tue 27, December 2022 07:56:08 am
40.   State two differences between discrete variable and a continuous variable (Answered)
State two differences between discrete variable and a continuous variable .
Posted On:Tue 27, December 2022 07:52:41 am
41.   Explain the term random variable as used in probability (Answered)
Explain the term random variable as used in probability .
Posted On:Tue 27, December 2022 07:51:54 am
42.   Kihoto self-help group comprises of 58 members. They intend to choose 3 officials from the group to represent them in a conference. Determine the number of ways the 3 members can be chosen (Answered)
Kihoto self-help group comprises of 58 members. They intend to choose 3 officials from the group to represent them in a conference. Determine the number of ways the 3 members can be chosen .
Posted On:Tue 27, December 2022 07:50:46 am
43.   Simplify the expression (A+B)(A+C) stating the law of Boolean algebra applied at each step (Answered)
Simplify the expression (A+B)(A+C) stating the law of Boolean algebra applied at each step .
Posted On:Tue 27, December 2022 07:48:10 am
44.   Most computers use Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports to allow the attachment of devices. Describe two benefits of using USB ports. (Answered)
Most computers use Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports to allow the attachment of devices. Describe two benefits of using USB ports. .
Posted On:Tue 13, September 2022 10:12:14 am
45.   Name the most suitable input or output device for each of the following uses. Give a different device in each case. (Answered)
Name the most suitable input or output device for each of the following uses. Give a different device in each case. .
Posted On:Tue 13, September 2022 09:53:57 am
46.   Sensors are one type of input device. For each of the following situations, name a different sensor that could be used. (i) air conditioning in an office building (ii) maintaining correct growing conditions in a greenhouse (iii) detecting an intruder in a building (Answered)
Sensors are one type of input device. For each of the following situations, name a different sensor that could be used. (i) air conditioning in an office building (ii) maintaining correct growing conditions in a greenhouse (iii) detecting an intruder in a building .
Posted On:Tue 13, September 2022 09:47:45 am
47.   Advantages of Round Robin Scheduling algorithm (Answered)
Advantages of Round Robin Scheduling algorithm .
Posted On:Fri 2, September 2022 06:00:44 am
48.   What are the disadvantages of technical documentation of a program (Answered)
What are the disadvantages of technical documentation of a program .
Posted On:Tue 28, June 2022 14:11:47 pm
49.   What are the advantages of Technical documentation of a program (Answered)
What are the advantages of Technical documentation of a program .
Posted On:Tue 28, June 2022 14:09:40 pm
50.   What is an EDF scheduler? What is its advantage over a rate monotic scheduler? (Answered)
What is an EDF scheduler? What is its advantage over a rate monotic scheduler? .
Posted On:Mon 6, June 2022 06:56:16 am
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