What are the advantages of Technical documentation of a program


-It helps validate the approach, design, and implementation.
-It can help establish the core concepts and avoid common misunderstandings.
-The same artifact can benefit multiple aspects of the software life cycle. Remember that the same document may be consumed in different ways by different team members. For example, while a developer may look at it for their implementation, a quality assurance team member can use it for writing their test cases.
-It can significantly help in ramping up new team members who join the project later.
-It establishes transparency in sharing information that could benefit the entire team.
By keeping it up-to-date, it can help avoid redundant communication

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  What are the disadvantages of technical documentation of a program (Answered)
What are the disadvantages of technical documentation of a program .
Posted On:Tue 28, June 2022 14:11:47 pm

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