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Write a C program to keep track of frequency of flights (number of trips per flight) taken by different passengers of an airlines company. You are not allowed to use array index notation in the program. Instead, you must use a pointer notation to access different elements of an array. A for loop and a do/while loop are not allowed to be used in the main function. The program design should use main
Write a C program to keep track of frequency of flights (number of trips per flight) taken by different passengers of an airlines company. You are not allowed to use array index notation in the program. Instead, you must use a pointer notation to access different elements of an array. A for loop and a do/while loop are not allowed to be used in the main function. The program design should use main .
Posted On:
Fri 8, October 2021 17:12:30 pm
Write ONE application program (ONE MAIN METHOD) by using the following requirements: File input and output (10 points) Exception handling (10 points) You can create your own exception classes or You can use existing exception classes from Java API Inheritance At least one superclass or abstract superclass: this class needs to have data members, accessor, mutator, and toString methods (10 points)
Write ONE application program (ONE MAIN METHOD) by using the following requirements: File input and output (10 points) Exception handling (10 points) You can create your own exception classes or You can use existing exception classes from Java API Inheritance At least one superclass or abstract superclass: this class needs to have data members, accessor, mutator, and toString methods (10 points) .
Posted On:
Fri 8, October 2021 15:52:58 pm
What are the differences between an acyclic-graph directory and a tree-structured directory? Explain and justify your answer by drawing the diagrams. (10 points)
What are the differences between an acyclic-graph directory and a tree-structured directory? Explain and justify your answer by drawing the diagrams. (10 points) .
Posted On:
Sat 25, September 2021 07:59:11 am
What is the difference between public IP address and private IP address? Justify your answer and give an example for different private IP addresses? (10 points)
What is the difference between public IP address and private IP address? Justify your answer and give an example for different private IP addresses? (10 points) .
Posted On:
Sat 25, September 2021 07:56:45 am
What are the ways to access the same files in more than one place in the directory structure? Explain and justify your answer. (10 points)
What are the ways to access the same files in more than one place in the directory structure? Explain and justify your answer. (10 points) .
Posted On:
Sat 25, September 2021 07:55:36 am
Explain the general graph directory. In which condition, cycles could be happened in the graph. Explain and justify your answer.(10 points)
Explain the general graph directory. In which condition, cycles could be happened in the graph. Explain and justify your answer.(10 points) .
Posted On:
Sat 25, September 2021 07:54:18 am
What are the differences between the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and partially qualified domain name (PQDN)? Give an example of each type and justify your answer with a figure.
What are the differences between the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and partially qualified domain name (PQDN)? Give an example of each type and justify your answer with a figure. .
Posted On:
Sat 25, September 2021 07:52:11 am
What are the differences between persistent and non-persistent HTTP connections? Explain it. If you want to get the 8 files from the server using persistent connections, what would be the total file transmission time using RTT time? Explain and justify your answer.
What are the differences between persistent and non-persistent HTTP connections? Explain it. If you want to get the 8 files from the server using persistent connections, what would be the total file transmission time using RTT time? Explain and justify your answer. .
Posted On:
Sat 25, September 2021 07:49:39 am
Based on the below figures: (Figure 1 and Figure 2), Answer the following questions: (30 points, 10 points each) a. What is the TCP/IP utility command to show us the content given in Figure 1.? Explain and justify your answer. b. What is the TCP/IP utility command to show us the content given in Figure 2.? Explain and justify your answer. c. Name three TCP/IP utility types and give an example of
Based on the below figures: (Figure 1 and Figure 2), Answer the following questions: (30 points, 10 points each) a. What is the TCP/IP utility command to show us the content given in Figure 1.? Explain and justify your answer. b. What is the TCP/IP utility command to show us the content given in Figure 2.? Explain and justify your answer. c. Name three TCP/IP utility types and give an example of .
Posted On:
Sat 25, September 2021 07:48:13 am
What are Methods in C-sharp programming language, what is the use of it and how to use methods using parameters? Write a summary of at least 300 words with at least two different examples of C-sharp programs. Make sure to use your own wording. No copy paste from the internet or textbook is allowed. Include at least one reference.
What are Methods in C-sharp programming language, what is the use of it and how to use methods using parameters? Write a summary of at least 300 words with at least two different examples of C-sharp programs. Make sure to use your own wording. No copy paste from the internet or textbook is allowed. Include at least one reference. .
Posted On:
Sat 25, September 2021 07:02:52 am
Answer the following concepts of declaring and initializing an array in C# programming language using different ways. A.Declare an array of five elements of type integer with keyword new, the array name is called values. Do not add elements to an array. B.Declare an array of four elements of type string with keyword new, the array name is called seasons. Add elements to an array. C.Declare an
Answer the following concepts of declaring and initializing an array in C# programming language using different ways. A.Declare an array of five elements of type integer with keyword new, the array name is called values. Do not add elements to an array. B.Declare an array of four elements of type string with keyword new, the array name is called seasons. Add elements to an array. C.Declare an .
Posted On:
Sat 25, September 2021 06:56:12 am
Write a C# program that should declare & initializes single dimension array of type string called colors. The program should display the output based on the following requirements. •It should display an array size using length property. •It should access each element in an array using for loop only. Make sure to add comments in the code. The program should generate the output as given in below
Write a C# program that should declare & initializes single dimension array of type string called colors. The program should display the output based on the following requirements. •It should display an array size using length property. •It should access each element in an array using for loop only. Make sure to add comments in the code. The program should generate the output as given in below .
Posted On:
Sat 25, September 2021 06:52:06 am
Consider the given below arrays string[ ] countries = {"Denmark", "China", "Austria”, “England", "Belgium"}; int[ ] myNumbers = {6, 1, 8, 9, 2}; Write a C# program to perform the following array methods •The string array should sort the countries in ascending or alphabetically order •The integer array should print all numbers in reverse order •Use only foreach loop for accessing
Consider the given below arrays string[ ] countries = {"Denmark", "China", "Austria”, “England", "Belgium"}; int[ ] myNumbers = {6, 1, 8, 9, 2}; Write a C# program to perform the following array methods •The string array should sort the countries in ascending or alphabetically order •The integer array should print all numbers in reverse order •Use only foreach loop for accessing .
Posted On:
Sat 25, September 2021 06:47:52 am
The given below single dimension array of type integers called MyNumbers. int[ ] myNumbers = {3, 3, 1, 5, 2, 4, 1} Write a C# program that should display the output based on the following requirements. •It should display the smallest value in an array •It should display the largest value in an array •It should display the sum of all elements in an array Make sure to add comments in the code.
The given below single dimension array of type integers called MyNumbers. int[ ] myNumbers = {3, 3, 1, 5, 2, 4, 1} Write a C# program that should display the output based on the following requirements. •It should display the smallest value in an array •It should display the largest value in an array •It should display the sum of all elements in an array Make sure to add comments in the code. .
Posted On:
Sat 25, September 2021 06:38:57 am
Define the following terms: -Database -Database management system -Relational database -Hierarchical database -Network database
Define the following terms: -Database -Database management system -Relational database -Hierarchical database -Network database .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:46:03 pm
Describe functions of the following tools found in DBMS -Data definition language -Data manipulation language
Describe functions of the following tools found in DBMS -Data definition language -Data manipulation language .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:43:58 pm
State 5 functions of Database Management System
State 5 functions of Database Management System .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:42:01 pm
Give four widely used DBMS today
Give four widely used DBMS today .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:40:49 pm
State two classes of database software
State two classes of database software .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:39:54 pm
State the components of database hierarchy.
State the components of database hierarchy. .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:37:42 pm
Write short note on; -Database -Database maintenance -Databank
Write short note on; -Database -Database maintenance -Databank .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:36:38 pm
Explain importance of using DBMS in storage of data in an organization
Explain importance of using DBMS in storage of data in an organization .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:33:46 pm
Name and explain 3 database models
Name and explain 3 database models .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:31:28 pm
Explain the emerging Issues and trends in ICT
Explain the emerging Issues and trends in ICT .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:21:05 pm
Explain ICT legislations and policies
Explain ICT legislations and policies .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:19:54 pm
Explain the measures of controlling unethical behavior in ICT
Explain the measures of controlling unethical behavior in ICT .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:18:42 pm
Describe reasons for unethical practices in ICT
Describe reasons for unethical practices in ICT .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:16:24 pm
Explain the meaning and importance of ICT Ethics
Explain the meaning and importance of ICT Ethics .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:15:14 pm
Explain measures that ensure data safety inside a computer system
Explain measures that ensure data safety inside a computer system .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:14:34 pm
Explain the application areas of ICT
Explain the application areas of ICT .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:13:27 pm
Explain the negative impacts of ICT to society
Explain the negative impacts of ICT to society .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:12:04 pm
Explain the positive impacts of ICT to society.
Explain the positive impacts of ICT to society. .
Posted On:
Sun 13, June 2021 20:10:25 pm
How do you handle removable storage media?
How do you handle removable storage media? .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 07:10:19 am
Differentiate between digital versatile disks and Blu ray disks.
Differentiate between digital versatile disks and Blu ray disks. .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 07:09:19 am
What is Multimedia as used in computers.
What is Multimedia as used in computers. .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 07:07:58 am
What is a solid-state storage media?
What is a solid-state storage media? .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 07:06:38 am
Why are CD-ROMs and CD-Rs referred to as WORM?
Why are CD-ROMs and CD-Rs referred to as WORM? .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 07:05:31 am
Explain two types of utility software.
Explain two types of utility software. .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 07:04:14 am
What is utility software?
What is utility software? .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 07:03:18 am
Give four measures that protect computers from damage in the laboratory
Give four measures that protect computers from damage in the laboratory .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 07:02:19 am
Differentiate between hardware portability and Software portability
Differentiate between hardware portability and Software portability .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 07:01:07 am
What is software documentation .
What is software documentation . .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 06:59:55 am
Assume you are an IT specialist at Codelabs which is a software development company. The company intends to purchase new computers to enhance their operations. Advise your company on the hardware considerations to put in place.
Assume you are an IT specialist at Codelabs which is a software development company. The company intends to purchase new computers to enhance their operations. Advise your company on the hardware considerations to put in place. .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 06:58:19 am
Explain any two types of system software
Explain any two types of system software .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 06:52:27 am
Differentiate between Proprietary software and Open source software
Differentiate between Proprietary software and Open source software .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 06:45:32 am
Differentiate between impact and non-impact printers
Differentiate between impact and non-impact printers .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 06:43:48 am
A Computer system should accept input, process and give an output. Explain the two forms of computer output
A Computer system should accept input, process and give an output. Explain the two forms of computer output .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 06:41:18 am
Give four basic operations of a computer system
Give four basic operations of a computer system .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 06:40:21 am
What are registers as used in computers? Give two examples
What are registers as used in computers? Give two examples .
Posted On:
Sun 25, April 2021 06:39:38 am
Differentiate between Dynamic RAM and Static RAM
Differentiate between Dynamic RAM and Static RAM .
Posted On:
Sat 24, April 2021 21:24:49 pm
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