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Give the function of each of the following queries. -Make table query -Delete query -Append query -Update query;
Give the function of each of the following queries. -Make table query -Delete query -Append query -Update query; .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:37:25 am
Name four types of Action Queries.
Name four types of Action Queries. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:36:34 am
State three disadvantages of traditional file management system over electronic file management system.
State three disadvantages of traditional file management system over electronic file management system. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:35:31 am
Explain three categories of database controls.
Explain three categories of database controls. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:32:34 am
Define the term control as used in database forms.
Define the term control as used in database forms. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:31:50 am
A form two student wishes to create a field named ADM. No in a table. This field will be used to store admission numbers of students in a class. Outline the steps to follow to achieve this.
A form two student wishes to create a field named ADM. No in a table. This field will be used to store admission numbers of students in a class. Outline the steps to follow to achieve this. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:31:21 am
State two qualities of a primary key field.
State two qualities of a primary key field. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:30:47 am
Differentiate between the term entity and attribute in a database.
Differentiate between the term entity and attribute in a database. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:28:18 am
Name any two examples of a database package.
Name any two examples of a database package. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:27:48 am
List any six general field properties that can be set on a field in a table.
List any six general field properties that can be set on a field in a table. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:27:09 am
List two types of form layout available in a database form wizard dialog box.
List two types of form layout available in a database form wizard dialog box. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:26:20 am
Differentiate between a report and a form.
Differentiate between a report and a form. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:25:45 am
Mention three objectives of normalisation.
Mention three objectives of normalisation. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:25:13 am
Differentiate between an index and a primary key.
Differentiate between an index and a primary key. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:24:44 am
Define the term normalisation as used in a database.
Define the term normalisation as used in a database. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:24:09 am
State three ways in which a primary key field can be used in a database.
State three ways in which a primary key field can be used in a database. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:23:31 am
Give three functions of a database management system.
Give three functions of a database management system. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:22:40 am
State one disadvantages of flat file database model.
State one disadvantages of flat file database model. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:22:03 am
Explain these database models: a)Network model b)Flat file
Explain these database models: a)Network model b)Flat file .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:20:57 am
Differentiate between database and database management software.
Differentiate between database and database management software. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:19:16 am
List four features of database software.
List four features of database software. .
Posted On:
Thu 1, April 2021 06:17:12 am
Define the term dynaset as used in database.
Define the term dynaset as used in database. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 21:00:34 pm
Distinguish between relational database and flat file model.
Distinguish between relational database and flat file model. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:59:54 pm
Explain these database models: a)Relational b)Hierarchical
Explain these database models: a)Relational b)Hierarchical .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:59:24 pm
List three database management system objects.
List three database management system objects. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:58:41 pm
Define the term database management system (DBMS).
Define the term database management system (DBMS). .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:58:02 pm
List three types of relationships that can be used to link tables in a database.
List three types of relationships that can be used to link tables in a database. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:57:19 pm
State one function of each of these objects in a database. a)Table b)Query c)Forms d)Reports
State one function of each of these objects in a database. a)Table b)Query c)Forms d)Reports .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:56:51 pm
Define the following terms as used in database: a)Record b)File c)Database
Define the following terms as used in database: a)Record b)File c)Database .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:56:00 pm
Mention two advantages of entering data into a database using a form.
Mention two advantages of entering data into a database using a form. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:55:08 pm
Differentiate between a foreign key and primary in a relational database.
Differentiate between a foreign key and primary in a relational database. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:54:29 pm
For each of the following. State the type of cell referencing that has been used in: (i)A6 (ii) $F$7
For each of the following. State the type of cell referencing that has been used in: (i)A6 (ii) $F$7 .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:49:59 pm
List any two data management tools in spreadsheets.
List any two data management tools in spreadsheets. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:49:05 pm
Give the function of the following types of charts: bar graph, line graph, pie chart and scatter chart.
Give the function of the following types of charts: bar graph, line graph, pie chart and scatter chart. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:48:11 pm
Define the term cell as used in spreadsheet.
Define the term cell as used in spreadsheet. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:47:26 pm
Name any two types of charts in a spreadsheet.
Name any two types of charts in a spreadsheet. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:46:55 pm
Explain how spreadsheets can be used in these areas: i)statistical analysis ii)Accounting iii)Data management iv) Forecasting
Explain how spreadsheets can be used in these areas: i)statistical analysis ii)Accounting iii)Data management iv) Forecasting .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:45:47 pm
Describe the following components of spreadsheet: i)Worksheet ii)Database iii)Graphs
Describe the following components of spreadsheet: i)Worksheet ii)Database iii)Graphs .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:44:38 pm
Explain three types of cell referencing techniques.
Explain three types of cell referencing techniques. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:41:48 pm
Define the term cell reference.
Define the term cell reference. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:40:46 pm
Describe four cell data types as used in spreadsheets.
Describe four cell data types as used in spreadsheets. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:39:43 pm
Mention two types of cell referencing.
Mention two types of cell referencing. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:39:06 pm
Differentiate between sorting and filtering of data as applied in spreadsheets.
Differentiate between sorting and filtering of data as applied in spreadsheets. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:38:24 pm
Consider the data in the cells below entered in a worksheet. a)Name the data types in the cells i)D13 ii)E20 iii)E21 b)Give the values in cells i)E20 ii)E22.
Consider the data in the cells below entered in a worksheet. a)Name the data types in the cells i)D13 ii)E20 iii)E21 b)Give the values in cells i)E20 ii)E22. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:37:56 pm
List three sections of a functions
List three sections of a functions .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:34:52 pm
Differentiate between a label and a value used in spreadsheets.
Differentiate between a label and a value used in spreadsheets. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:34:21 pm
Define the term data filtering as used in spreadsheets.
Define the term data filtering as used in spreadsheets. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:33:51 pm
Differentiate between sum and sumIf functions.
Differentiate between sum and sumIf functions. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:33:21 pm
Define the following terms as used in spreadsheet graphs. a)Legend b)Data series
Define the following terms as used in spreadsheet graphs. a)Legend b)Data series .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:32:44 pm
Give three components of a worksheet.
Give three components of a worksheet. .
Posted On:
Tue 30, March 2021 20:31:57 pm
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