Kenya Technical Trainers College details, courses and contacts

Kenya Technical Trainers College
Kenya Technical Trainers College addressAddress:P. O. Box 44600-00100

Kenya Technical Trainers College locationLocation:Nairobi Kenya

Kenya Technical Trainers College phone numberPhone/Tel No:0707444222/0786444600

Kenya Technical Trainers College email addressEmail

Kenya Technical Trainers College website

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About Kenya Technical Trainers College.
-The Kenya Technical Trainers College (KTTC) is a Government Institution under Ministry of Education, directorate of technical education vocational and training (TVET).
-KTTC was established with the primary objective of training technically skilled personnel, to not only teach in Technical Institutions, but, also for employment in all sectors of the economy
-The Kenya Technical Trainers College (KTTC) opened its doors to the first students in 1978.
-The then president, H.E. Daniel T. Arap Moi, EGH, MP officially opened the college on 16th March 1979. Since then, the college has contunued to develop, in terms of courses and student enrollment. It is among the leading colleges of this kind in Eastern and Central Africa

Programs and Courses.

Faculties/Schools in Kenya Technical Trainers College.
-Applied Sciences.