Explain the factors that led to industrial growth in japan.
- The hardworking enterprising citizens.
- Political stability experienced after second world war.
- Availability Capital Japan received both financial and technical assistance from
USA enabling her to recover from the effects of world war ll.
- The Japanese policy of working for lift when employed they put interest of
the employers first which helped to reduce disputes and strikes. Demand for their products both locally and globally e.g. in Africa, USA and Europe.
-High population which besides Providing market for the produced goods also offer
skilled and unskilled labour.
- Availability of source of energy e.g. hydro- electric power, oil and coal.
- Well developed transport and communication infrastructure which
includes roads, railway lines, air transport and very advanced marine transport.
- Good industrial base before the second war that was not fully destroyed
during the war.
- Japan has a small percentage of arable land and therefore led to turn to industries as an
alternative economic sector.
- Government support whereby the government invited foreign expatriates to help in industrial
Development. They also train people to western Europe to learn industrial skills booted her industrial growth.