Explain the economic organization of the Shona during the precolonial period
- They were farmers/ practiced shift cultivation. Their main crops were
Maize, millet, sorghum, bananas, cassava, yams etc.
- They also kept livestock (cattle, goats and sheep) which were only slaughtered
during special occasions.
- They participated in the long distance trade between them, Waswahili and Arabs
who obtained gold and ivory from Shona in exchange for cotton clothes, glassware,
guns etc.
- They were skillful hunters who hunted elephants for ivory and other wild animals
to supplement their diet.
-They were gatherers as they gathered honey, wild fruits and vegetables to
supplement their diet
- They were skilled craftsmen who made items from iron such as spears, hoes, knives. They also participated in/pottery and basketry
- The practiced fishing for those who lived near rivers and lakes.