Describe the main features of the constitution of Kenya.
- It vests sovereign power on the people of Kenya who can exercise it directly or
indirectly through their representatives.
- It contains a comprehensive bill of rights which has been expanded to include socio-economic and cultural rights as well as group rights.
-It spells out national values and principles of governance which guides / binds all
people, institutional/ supremacy of the constitution.
- The republic: Kenya is a multi-party state.
- It contains affirmative action for women / youth persons with disability/ marginalized communities etc. as it protects them from all forms of discrimination.
- It defines the powers of the executive, the legislature and judiciary as it provides for a system of checks and balances in government.
- It provides for a mechanism for its implementation by creating specific organs for that purpose and the time frames for its implementation e.g. commissions and independent offices.
- It has provision for transitional requirements that ensure a smooth transition from one government to another.
- It provides for stringent amendment procedures in order to safeguard people's
-It provides for devolved government by creating 47 counties / equitable sharing
of public finance / national revenue.
- It provides for the three arms of government i.e. the executive, legislature and
the judiciary.
- Citizenship: it describes what citizenship entails and what they are entitled to such as acquisition and revocation of citizenship.
- It outlines the principles of land Policy and classification of land into public land, community land or private land.
- Leadership and integrity: it states the responsibilities, conducts and restrictions on activities of state officers.
- National Security-it establishes three national security organs i.e. Kenya Defence Forces, National Intelligence service and the National Police Service.
- It establishes a bi-cameral legislature composed of the National assembly and the
- It creates an independent judiciary composed of the system of courts with superior and sub-ordinate courts.
- It provides for a public service which stipulates the values and principles of professional ethics and accountability.