Explain six problems experienced by the British East African Company in Kenya.
- There was scarcity of mineral/wealth and profitable export commodities which made it
difficult for the company to meet the cost of administration.
- There was poor transport network which made transportation of goods slow/difficult/expensive
- Lack of proper coordination between the company headquarters in Britain and officials in
Kenya hence misunderstandings and wastes.
- The company officials lacked experience which was necessary for the successful administration of the protectorate.
- Some of the company officials were corrupt and concentrated on their personal enrichment than the company.
- Resistance from the local communities posed a serious challenge to the company as they had to administer and at the same time suppress the African resistance.
- Inadequate capital to carry out its operation which made the administration of the protectorate ineffective.
- Unfavourable climatic conditions/ tropical diseases claimed the lives of some company officials.
- Lack of enough personnel
- Rivalry from the German East African company.