Explain six ways through which Ronald Ngala contributed to the struggle for independence in Kenya.


-He joined the Coast African Association in 1947 an association that was used to air the coastal peoples grievances to the colonial government.
- In the 1950's, Ngala was appointed a member of the Mombasa African Advisory Council (MAAC)
to represent African interests in the Mombasa Municipal Board.
- In 1955, Ngala alongside other coastal leaders formed the Mombasa African Democratic Union (MADU) and also assisted in the formation of the Kilifi African people’s union (KAPU).
-In 1957, after the Lyttelton constitutional reforms Ngala was elected to Legco representing the coastal region.
-In I957, he joined the African Elected Members Organization becoming its treasurer. AEMO called for further constitutional reforms.
-He resigned from AEMO and joined the multi-racial Kenya National Party (KNP) formed by Masinde Muliro. KNP embraced Asian and Arab members of Legco.
-In 1960, Ngala was elected in absentia as KANU treasurer. However he declined this appointment claiming that KANU was dominated by the large ethnictribes the Agikuyu and Luo.
-In 1960, Ngala together with other Kenyan nationalists, He formed the Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU) as a party that championed for the interests of small tribes in Kenya.
-He attended the first Lancaster House Conference in 1960 as the head of KADU delegation. KADU under Ngala championed for a federal (Majimbo) constitution for independent
-When KANU refused to form the government after winning the 1961 elections,
the colonial government asked Ngala as head of KADU, to form a minority government he was supported by Michael Blundell's New Kenya Party (NP).
-In the same year (1961) Ngala was appointed as the minister for education and leader of government business in parliament
-In 1962, Ngala attended the second Lancaster house conference as head of KADU delegation. It
was resolved that independent Kenya adopts KADU’s version of a federal (Majimbo) constitution as championed by Ngala and KADU
-During the 1963 independence elections KADU lost to KANU and Ngala became the leader of the opposition and MP for Kilifi Constituency.
-In 1964, when Kenya became a republic, KADU merged with KANU and Ronald Ngala was appointed the minister for cooperatives and Social services and later minister for power and communication.

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