Explain five factors that make it difficult for the correctional services in Kenyan to work effectively.
- Inadequate/ dilapidated facilities have led to congestion and frequent outbreak of diseases
inadequate vehicles and equipment.
- Increase in number of Prisons has led to poor living conditions.
- Inadequate finances have led to provision of poor service such as food.
- Inadequate number of prison warders lead to overworking hence brutal handling of prisoners.
- Poor living conditions and low salaries of prison officers have demoralized them and affected their performance of duty.
- Corruption in prisons has forced some prisoners to pay so as to get better services.
- Shortage of trained counselors to assist in reforming the inmate
- Inadequate food, medical facilities and clothing for inmates.
- Some inmates have become hardened thus, difficult to rehabilitate.
- Political interference/ rapid changes affecting prisoners.