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Explain the content of the files that are created in mail merge.
Explain the content of the files that are created in mail merge. .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:29:56 am
Define the term mail merging.
Define the term mail merging. .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:29:24 am
Describe four character case options available in a word processor.
Describe four character case options available in a word processor. .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:27:54 am
Outline the steps for printing document.
Outline the steps for printing document. .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:27:16 am
Outline the steps followed to merge cells in a word processor table.
Outline the steps followed to merge cells in a word processor table. .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:26:36 am
List three files used in mail merging.
List three files used in mail merging. .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:26:04 am
Outline the steps followed in applying bullets to a typed text.
Outline the steps followed in applying bullets to a typed text. .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:25:03 am
Give two types of page orientation
Give two types of page orientation .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:24:34 am
Define the term orientation as used in computers.
Define the term orientation as used in computers. .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:23:57 am
Describe the term text box.
Describe the term text box. .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:23:25 am
Explain the use of tab key in a word processor table.
Explain the use of tab key in a word processor table. .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:22:45 am
Give two factors to consider when choosing a word processor.
Give two factors to consider when choosing a word processor. .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:22:10 am
With aid of an example, define the term symbol as used in word processing.
With aid of an example, define the term symbol as used in word processing. .
Posted On:
Tue 16, March 2021 05:20:25 am
Outline the steps followed to crop a picture
Outline the steps followed to crop a picture .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:42:51 pm
Define the term clipart.
Define the term clipart. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:42:13 pm
Write the formula for adding numbers in a table using word processor.
Write the formula for adding numbers in a table using word processor. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:41:27 pm
List four types of page formatting features
List four types of page formatting features .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:40:48 pm
State two examples of icons found in each of the following. (i)Formatting toolbar: (ii)standard toolbar:
State two examples of icons found in each of the following. (i)Formatting toolbar: (ii)standard toolbar: .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:40:16 pm
Define the term word wrap.
Define the term word wrap. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:39:02 pm
List three methods of indenting in word processing.
List three methods of indenting in word processing. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:38:17 pm
Define the term indent.
Define the term indent. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:37:31 pm
Explain the term collate as used in printing.
Explain the term collate as used in printing. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:36:54 pm
State five features of word processor.
State five features of word processor. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:36:02 pm
List four types of proof reading tools in a word processing.
List four types of proof reading tools in a word processing. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:35:22 pm
Differentiate between autocorrect and autocomplete features.
Differentiate between autocorrect and autocomplete features. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:33:36 pm
Distinguish between term dropped cap and in margin cap as used in word processing.
Distinguish between term dropped cap and in margin cap as used in word processing. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:32:38 pm
State ways of creating a table in word processor.
State ways of creating a table in word processor. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:31:50 pm
A student typed the word centre in a word processing document and realized that it was underlined with red wavy line. The student considered the word to be correctly spelled. Explain the possible reasons why the program responded in this manner.
A student typed the word centre in a word processing document and realized that it was underlined with red wavy line. The student considered the word to be correctly spelled. Explain the possible reasons why the program responded in this manner. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:31:07 pm
Differentiate between overtype mode and insert mode as used in word processing.
Differentiate between overtype mode and insert mode as used in word processing. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:30:02 pm
Explain the function of each of these keys combination as used in word processing. (i)CTRL+V: (ii)CTRL+X:
Explain the function of each of these keys combination as used in word processing. (i)CTRL+V: (ii)CTRL+X: .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 16:28:56 pm
Distinguish between small caps and all caps as used in word processing
Distinguish between small caps and all caps as used in word processing .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 13:28:28 pm
Differentiate between a footer and a footnote.
Differentiate between a footer and a footnote. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 13:27:46 pm
Distinguish between a page break and a selection break as used in word processing.
Distinguish between a page break and a selection break as used in word processing. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 13:27:06 pm
Distinguish between Save and Save As command.
Distinguish between Save and Save As command. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 13:24:43 pm
List four examples of word processors.
List four examples of word processors. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 13:22:52 pm
Define the term word processing as used in computing.
Define the term word processing as used in computing. .
Posted On:
Mon 15, March 2021 13:22:01 pm
What is the use of goto statement?
What is the use of goto statement? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:45:49 pm
How do you convert strings to numbers in C?
How do you convert strings to numbers in C? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:45:04 pm
What is the difference between top down approach and bottom up approach in programming languages?
What is the difference between top down approach and bottom up approach in programming languages? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:41:09 pm
Can you pass an entire structure to functions?
Can you pass an entire structure to functions? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:40:04 pm
What is pointer linking with operating system?
What is pointer linking with operating system? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:38:39 pm
What is an endless loop?
What is an endless loop? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:37:27 pm
Is void pointer arithmetic a valid one?
Is void pointer arithmetic a valid one? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:36:12 pm
Is pointer arithmetic a valid one?
Is pointer arithmetic a valid one? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:35:28 pm
What is a sequential access file?
What is a sequential access file? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:34:32 pm
Suppose a global variable and local variable have the same name. Is it is possible to access a global variable from a block where local variables is defined?
Suppose a global variable and local variable have the same name. Is it is possible to access a global variable from a block where local variables is defined? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:33:45 pm
What is a newline escape sequence?
What is a newline escape sequence? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:32:38 pm
What is the difference between memcpy() and memmove() functions in C?
What is the difference between memcpy() and memmove() functions in C? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:30:41 pm
What are formal parameters?
What are formal parameters? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:29:03 pm
What is & and * operators in C?
What is & and * operators in C? .
Posted On:
Sat 13, March 2021 12:27:38 pm
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