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1.   Outline four main reasons why business enterprises exist. (Answered)
Outline four main reasons why business enterprises exist. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:25:11 am
2.   Outline four acts of parliament enacted by the government to protect consumers against exploitation (Answered)
Outline four acts of parliament enacted by the government to protect consumers against exploitation .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:23:06 am
3.   State four ways bonded warehouses are useful to the government (Answered)
State four ways bonded warehouses are useful to the government .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:22:35 am
4.   State four benefits of insurance (Answered)
State four benefits of insurance .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:21:38 am
5.   Give the Objectives of advertisements (Answered)
Give the Objectives of advertisements .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:20:22 am
6.   Enumerate four disadvantages of an open office layout (Answered)
Enumerate four disadvantages of an open office layout .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:19:44 am
7.   State any four current trends in communication in Kenya. (Answered)
State any four current trends in communication in Kenya. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:18:23 am
8.   Atieno insured his house for sh 720 000 against. The house was valued at sh 1 000 000. Part of the house valued at sh. 600 000 was destroyed by fire, calculate the amount of money atieno can claim for compensation (Answered)
Atieno insured his house for sh 720 000 against. The house was valued at sh 1 000 000. Part of the house valued at sh. 600 000 was destroyed by fire, calculate the amount of money atieno can claim for compensation .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:17:26 am
9.   Highlight four ways in which business can improve its human resources. (Answered)
Highlight four ways in which business can improve its human resources. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:16:20 am
10.   Outline the stages involved in the satisfaction of human wants (Answered)
Outline the stages involved in the satisfaction of human wants .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:15:43 am
11.   Indicate the type of utility created by each of the following a)Shopkeeper b)Transport c)Baking d)Warehousing (Answered)
Indicate the type of utility created by each of the following a)Shopkeeper b)Transport c)Baking d)Warehousing .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:15:07 am
12.   List four sources of capital for public limited companies (Answered)
List four sources of capital for public limited companies .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:13:08 am
13.   Outline four measures that the Kenya government can take to conserve forests which are of great economic importance to the country (Answered)
Outline four measures that the Kenya government can take to conserve forests which are of great economic importance to the country .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:12:25 am
14.   Simiyu wants to buy furniture for his new office. Give four factors that he should consider when making the decision (Answered)
Simiyu wants to buy furniture for his new office. Give four factors that he should consider when making the decision .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:11:55 am
15.   Highlight four ethical issues in product promotion (Answered)
Highlight four ethical issues in product promotion .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:11:26 am
16.   Below are two cases when insurance company may fail to compensate the insured. For each case identify the insurance principle and the reason for non-compensation a)The insurer refuses to cover Owiye’s application to insure his brothers house against fire b)Kapati bakery insured ats bakery against fire, later the bakery was burned down by fire from a neighboring bakery. The insurer did not honor (Answered)
Below are two cases when insurance company may fail to compensate the insured. For each case identify the insurance principle and the reason for non-compensation a)The insurer refuses to cover Owiye’s application to insure his brothers house against fire b)Kapati bakery insured ats bakery against fire, later the bakery was burned down by fire from a neighboring bakery. The insurer did not honor .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:10:35 am
17.   Identify four uses of mobile phones (Answered)
Identify four uses of mobile phones .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:09:12 am
18.   Highlight four factors that may lead to an increase in the supply of maize (Answered)
Highlight four factors that may lead to an increase in the supply of maize .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:08:42 am
19.   Outline four function of an Office (Answered)
Outline four function of an Office .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:08:01 am
20.   Give four differences between money order and postal order. (Answered)
Give four differences between money order and postal order. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:07:21 am
21.   Highlight four benefits associated with the use of containers in transportation today. (Answered)
Highlight four benefits associated with the use of containers in transportation today. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:04:05 am
22.   Give four ways in which an entrepreneur can improve the internal environment of his or her business (Answered)
Give four ways in which an entrepreneur can improve the internal environment of his or her business .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:03:27 am
23.   State four reasons of operating a business enterprise (Answered)
State four reasons of operating a business enterprise .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:02:35 am
24.   State four functions of a ware house (Answered)
State four functions of a ware house .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:02:01 am
25.   List four ways in which an office may receive information. (Answered)
List four ways in which an office may receive information. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:01:31 am
26.   Outline four characteristics of a public good (Answered)
Outline four characteristics of a public good .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:00:46 am
27.   Identify four benefits of M-pesa services to the consumer (Answered)
Identify four benefits of M-pesa services to the consumer .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 06:00:16 am
28.   A viable business can be selected after a thorough SWOT analysis. Give full meaning of the word SWOT (Answered)
A viable business can be selected after a thorough SWOT analysis. Give full meaning of the word SWOT .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:59:46 am
29.   List four benefits to a direct producer who engages in trade (Answered)
List four benefits to a direct producer who engages in trade .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:59:11 am
30.   Below documents are used in home trade: advice note, an invoice, a catalogue and an acknowledgement note. Match the documents with correct descriptions a)Sent by the seller to the buyer to confirm that the order has been received b)A formal request by the seller for payment of the goods delivered c) A document to inform the buyer that goods are on the way (Answered)
Below documents are used in home trade: advice note, an invoice, a catalogue and an acknowledgement note. Match the documents with correct descriptions a)Sent by the seller to the buyer to confirm that the order has been received b)A formal request by the seller for payment of the goods delivered c) A document to inform the buyer that goods are on the way .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:36:38 am
31.   Outline any five emerging trends in the transport industry (Answered)
Outline any five emerging trends in the transport industry .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:34:57 am
32.   Highlight five differences between insurance and gambling. (Answered)
Highlight five differences between insurance and gambling. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:33:55 am
33.   State five ways in which the government can use a warehouse to protect consumers (Answered)
State five ways in which the government can use a warehouse to protect consumers .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:33:02 am
34.   Explain the procedure followed when claiming for compensation after the death of the insured (Answered)
Explain the procedure followed when claiming for compensation after the death of the insured .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:32:23 am
35.   Differentiate between the following phrases as used in Business a)Vertical and Horizontal line of Communication b)Over insurance and double insurance. c)Hire purchase and deferred payment d)A share and a debenture (Answered)
Differentiate between the following phrases as used in Business a)Vertical and Horizontal line of Communication b)Over insurance and double insurance. c)Hire purchase and deferred payment d)A share and a debenture .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:31:20 am
36.   Highlight five merits of government involvement in business (Answered)
Highlight five merits of government involvement in business .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:30:06 am
37.   Outline five weaknesses that may arise from using office machines in an organization (Answered)
Outline five weaknesses that may arise from using office machines in an organization .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:29:35 am
38.   Kasyoka a business teacher is considering moving to Juba to work there. Give four factors that may hinder him from relocating (Answered)
Kasyoka a business teacher is considering moving to Juba to work there. Give four factors that may hinder him from relocating .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:29:03 am
39.   State four reasons why railway transport is not popular in Kenya. (Answered)
State four reasons why railway transport is not popular in Kenya. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:28:29 am
40.   Describe the procedure followed when starting up a public limited company (Answered)
Describe the procedure followed when starting up a public limited company .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:27:42 am
41.   Outline five circumstances why a manufacturer may not need a large warehouse for the goods produced. (Answered)
Outline five circumstances why a manufacturer may not need a large warehouse for the goods produced. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:27:08 am
42.   State five reasons caused by a payee that would make a bank to dishonor cheque (Answered)
State five reasons caused by a payee that would make a bank to dishonor cheque .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:25:28 am
43.   Highlight five reasons why purity, who has insured her shop with an insurance company may not be compensated when loss occurs. (Answered)
Highlight five reasons why purity, who has insured her shop with an insurance company may not be compensated when loss occurs. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:24:39 am
44.   Outline five disadvantages of using advertisement as a method of product promotion to one customer. (Answered)
Outline five disadvantages of using advertisement as a method of product promotion to one customer. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:24:02 am
45.   Identify four documents used in the delivery process in home trade. (Answered)
Identify four documents used in the delivery process in home trade. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:23:24 am
46.   Highlight five ways in which the productivity of workers may be improved. (Answered)
Highlight five ways in which the productivity of workers may be improved. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:11:15 am
47.   Identify the business environment described in each case below. a) The level of know-how and efficiency use of tools and other resources b)Considers age,population density and market size c)Considers beliefs, norms, attitudes, opinions and lifestyles which dictate consumer behavior d)Factors that affect the consumers buying abilities in terms of income levels (Answered)
Identify the business environment described in each case below. a) The level of know-how and efficiency use of tools and other resources b)Considers age,population density and market size c)Considers beliefs, norms, attitudes, opinions and lifestyles which dictate consumer behavior d)Factors that affect the consumers buying abilities in terms of income levels .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:10:45 am
48.   The following descriptions relate to insurance policies. State the insurance policy that suits each of them. a)Covers employers due to financial loss due to dishonesty of employees b)Covers all possible risks that may occur out of operating motor vehicle c)Covers employees for injuries sustained at work d)Covers cargo in a ship for a particular journey. (Answered)
The following descriptions relate to insurance policies. State the insurance policy that suits each of them. a)Covers employers due to financial loss due to dishonesty of employees b)Covers all possible risks that may occur out of operating motor vehicle c)Covers employees for injuries sustained at work d)Covers cargo in a ship for a particular journey. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:08:09 am
49.   Shekinah traders had the following record for the year ending 30th June 2016. Capital as at 30th June 2018 sh 640,000 Net profit for the year sh 140,000 Capital as at 1st July 2015 sh 420,000 Drawing for the year sh 180,000 Required: calculate the additional capital during the year. (Answered)
Shekinah traders had the following record for the year ending 30th June 2016. Capital as at 30th June 2018 sh 640,000 Net profit for the year sh 140,000 Capital as at 1st July 2015 sh 420,000 Drawing for the year sh 180,000 Required: calculate the additional capital during the year. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:05:00 am
50.   State four factors that can influence the location of a firm. (Answered)
State four factors that can influence the location of a firm. .
Posted On:Fri 26, March 2021 05:04:04 am
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