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<=CDACC ICT Technician Level 5 : Demonstrate Digital Literacy past paper March 2024

__________ is a network that connects computers within the same building.

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Questions List:

1. The abbreviations WWW stand for? A. Wide World Web B. World Wide Web C. Web World Wide D. Window World Web
2. The term formatting is commonly used when creating a document in a word processor. What does it mean? A. Enhancing the appearance of the document B. Making changes to a document C. Saving the document D. Editing the document
3. ____________ is a verification of a login name and password? A. Configuration B. Accessibility C. Authentication D. Logging in
4. A website’s front page or main page is called? A. Browser page B. Search page C. Home page D. Bookmark
5. The software used to navigate through the web is known as? A. Website B. Web browser C. Internet D. World Wide Web
6. If you received an email and want to respond to the sender, which would be the best method to use? A. Forward this message to the sender B. Create a new message to the sender C. Reply to the sender D. Cc the sender
7. The process of an illegal entity gaining access to a company’s data or information is called? A. Security threat B. Data privacy C. Data security D. Data integrity
8. __________ is the name given to the intersection of rows and columns in a worksheet. A. Cell B. Workbook C. Field D. Record
9. Which software can damage a computer system? A. Avast B. Microsoft Excel C. Kaspersky D. Ransomware
10. What should a good password contain? A. Year and date of birth B. National identification number C. A combination of random letters and numbers D. Your school admission number
11. A QR code is made up of a matrix filled with dark squares on a light background. What does QR stand for? A. Quick Role B. Quick Response C. Quick Registry D. Quick Runtime
12. Tom has been tasked to prepare the annual newsletter for the organization he works for. Which of the following programs will he need? A. Ms. Excel B. Ms. Publisher C. Ms. Access D. Ms. PowerPoint
13. ________ is the act of using a computer with an ill-motive of obtaining money illegally. A. Fraud B. Hacking C. Cracking D. Stealing
14. __________ is a network that connects computers within the same building. A. WAN B. MAN C. PAN D. LAN
15. Which feature has been used to type O₂? A. Strikethrough B. Subscript C. Superscript D. Change case
16. When working with word processors one can generate personalized letters and send them to many recipients at once. Which feature allows this to happen? A. Saving B. Drop capping C. Mail merging D. E-mailing
17. What does CPU stand for? A. Central Processor Uniform B. Control Processing Unit C. Center for Processing Union D. Central Processing Unit
18. A student collected data and needed to analyze it using an application software. Which software would be best suited for this task? A. Ms. Word B. Ms. Excel C. Ms. Access D. Ms. PowerPoint
19. __________ is an interconnection of computers with an aim of sharing resources? A. Internet B. Network C. Intranet D. WWW
20. A speaker is an example of __________ output device. A. Softcopy B. Hardcopy C. Hardware D. Sound
21. What is an electronic spreadsheet?
22. List TWO common protocols for the Internet, and state their functions.
23. Outline the THREE core principles of data security.
24. Identify the parts of the following e-mail address labeled A, B, C, and D.
25. Explain the term computer crime.
26. Give FOUR rules that must be observed to keep within the law when working with data and information.
27. Outline the functions of each of the following features in an email program.
28. Differentiate between the Save and the Save As commands.
29. Name FIVE types of services offered on the internet.
30. Highlight the importance of the following features found in Ms. Word.
31. Outline TWO security measures against each of the following threats to computer security.
32. WXY Company wants to analyze its employee’s details using Microsoft Excel. The company has five employees; Anne, Franc, Lena, Hellen, and Peter. Their ages are 20, 45, 90, 45, and 34 years respectively. Anne and Lena are in the research department; Peter is in the finance department, Franc is in the human resource department, and Hellen is in the computer department. Anne and Hellen are single
33. Most organizations have embraced the use of electronic word processors to create their text-based documents. Describe THREE benefits of this approach. (6 marks)
34. A computer lab technician wants to minimize illegal entry into the computer laboratory. Explain FIVE measures that can be put in place to curb this illegal entry. (10 marks)
35. Describe FIVE measures that an office would employ to protect its computers from viruses. (10 marks)
36. Computer technology has greatly impacted people’s lives daily. Discuss FIVE sectors where computers are used. (10 marks)
37. Discuss FIVE functions of an operating system software. (10 marks)