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<=KNEC Diploma in Secretarial Studies Module III: Information Communication Technology III theory past paper November 2022

List six slide layouts options in presentation programs.(3 marks)

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Questions List:

1. Outline three disadvantages of a project management software.(3 marks)
2. The Manager of ABC Company Ltd. was advised to use wireless connection in his offices. Outline four benefits that could be realized from the use of this connection.(4 marks)
3. A project supervisor intends to sort projects stored in a project management software. Outline four sorting options he could use.
4. Figure 1 shows features found in presentation software. Use it to answer the question that follows.
5. Outline three uses of Work Breakdown Structure in a project management software.
6. Differentiate between UTP cables STP as used in data communication
7. A student intends to organize directories in an email program. Outline four directory actions that may be performed on them.
8. The secretary of Zeddy Company Ltd. was showing an intern the different ways of activating the Save As dialog box when saving a presentation document. Outline four ways she could demonstrate.(4 marks)
9. List six slide layouts options in presentation programs.(3 marks)
10. Explain two negative impacts of data when transmitted it over the Internet. (4 marks)
11. Differentiate between team dashboard and team communication as used in project management applications.(4 marks)
12. With the aid of sketches, outline four slide transition options used in presentation programs.(4 marks)
13. Outline three functions of milestones in a project.(3 marks)
14. Draw a tree computer network topology.(4 marks)
15. Explain two advantages of attachments as used in email programs.(4 marks)
16. A user intends to insert an image in a presentation slide. Outline three images sources provided by the application software.(3 marks)
17. A group of schools intends to come up with a new project. Outline four types of project plans they could use.(4 marks)
18. Explain two circumstances that could necessitate the use of fiber optic cables in computer networks.(4 marks)
19. Explain two benefits of extranet in organizations.(4 marks)
20. The following animation features were used in a presentation slide: (i)reorder animation; (ii)animation effect; (iii) trigger. Outline the function of each feature. (3 marks)
21. Explain two circumstances that would necessitate the use of PERT in project management.(4 marks)
22. Figure 3 represents an object created in a presentation slide. Use it to answer the question that follows List eight picture effects options that could be applied on the figure