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<=KNEC Diploma in Secretarial Studies Module I: Secretarial Studies past paper November 2022

Identify five kinds of information that may be obtained from a foreign embassy

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Questions List:

1. As a junior secretary, explain five steps you could take to advance your career
2. Outline five guidelines a secretary should follow when making entries in a desk diary
3. Outline five situations at the workplace that may cause cognitive dissonance for an employee
4. Explain five barriers to effective communication
5. Outline five guidelines for efficient filing
6. You are secretary to Bomas Association which is scheduled to hold an AGM on Friday, 27 December at 10 am. in the conference hall. Among the issues to be discussed are upcoming elections, update on land, activities for the coming year and investments for the year. Prepare the notice of meeting with agenda
7. Identify five kinds of information that may be obtained from a foreign embassy
8. Your organization has decided to retain the services of a travel agency to process all their travel requirements. Suggest five reasons for this decision
9. Outline four steps involved in the imrest system cycle
10. Outline six factors to consider when introducing office machines in your workplace
11. Explain five functions of a health and safety committee in an organization
12. Outline five factors to consider when choosing a location for an office
13. Explain five aspects of non-verbal communication that may enable an interviewee communicate effectively during an interview
14. Outline five benefits that an organization may gain from rendering service to the community