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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Database Management System past paper: July 2016

Outline two wild card characters used in SQL. (2 marks)

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Questions List:

1. Describe two components of a relational database. (4 marks)
2. With the aid of an example, distinguish between a system privilege and an object privilege as used in databases. (4 marks)
3. Explain each of the following terms as used in data recovery in a database: (6 marks) (i) checkpoint; (ii) manual reprocessing (iii) immediate update
4. Peter would like to create a database system. Explain three stages in the database design development that the ER diagram would be most applicable. (6 marks)
5. Outline two wild card characters used in SQL. (2 marks)
6. Explain a reason for using the IF EXISTS command in SQL. (2 marks)
7. Distinguish between active data dictionary and passive data dictionary as used in databases. (4 marks)
8. Describe each of the following components of three-tier database architecture: (6 marks) (i) application tier; (ii) presentation tier; (iii) data tier.
9. Figure 1 shows a filling approach that an educational institution uses to manage its applications. Use it to answer the question that follows. Explain three advantages that institutions will benefit from this approach shown in Figure 1. (6 marks)
10. Outline four factors to consider when developing a user interface for a database system. (4 marks)
11. Distinguish between a database engine and a database schema as used in database management systems. (4 marks)
12. Martin would like to enforce security in a multi-user database environment using data control commands. Describe two commands that he is likely to use, giving an example in each case. (6 marks)
13. An organization intends to acquire a database application to manage its data. Describe three professions that may be required. (6 marks)
14. Outline four guides to consider when using subqueries in SQL. (4 marks)
15. Distinguish between embedded SQL and dynamic SQL. (4 marks)
16. Describe two levels of Data Manipulation Language (DML) giving an example in each case. (6 marks)
17. A teacher noted that a database created by Andrew had data redundancy. Outline three problems that this may cause. (3 marks)
18. Describe three F. Armstrong's Axioms set of rules that generate functional dependencies as applied in normalization of tables. (6 marks)
19. State two similarities between hierarchical and network database models. (4 marks)
20. Distinguish between relational algebra and relational calculus as used in databases. (4 marks)
21. Write a relational algebraic statement to perform the following: (6 marks) (i) Delete all loans with loan numbers between 1300 and 1500 from a deposit table. (2 marks) (ii) Increase all balances by 5% in a deposit table. (2 marks) (iii) Display empname, department where salary is greater than 1300 and less than 1500 from a deposit table. (2 marks)
22. Explain three categories of anomalies that may be experienced when working with tables that are not normalized in a database. (6 marks)
23. Outline four SQL commands that may be used to enhance search capabilities in a database. (4 marks)
24. Explain two reasons for using databases. (4 marks)
25. State three differences between a primary key and a foreign key as used in databases. (6 marks)
26. Outline three characteristics of each of the following distributed databases: (6 marks) (i) Homogeneous (ii) Heterogeneous
27. Outline four characteristics of a well-designed database. (4 marks)
28. The following are cardinalities that can be used in an ER diagram, for the entities A and B. Use it to answer the question that follows.
29. Write tuple relational calculus statements for each of the following: (6 marks) (i) Find the names of all employees in the employee table who work for the bank named Mini Bank: (2 marks) (ii) Find all customers having both a loan and an account at the Kenyatta branch: (2 marks) (iii) Display all fields from teaching(T) table where table code= "K2000": (2 marks)
30. Table 1 shows details about students recorded in an un-normalized table. Represent the information to 2nd Normal Form (2NF). (6 marks)

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