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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Database Management System past paper: July 2017

Explain the following terms as used during the creation of a table in a database.
(i) Cascades
(ii) Restrict
(iii) Set null

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Define each of the following terms as used in databases. (i) Normalization; (ii) Compound key.
2. Explain the term database organization as used in databases.
3. Distinguish between the role of a database end user and database developer.
4. Table 1 is a structure of a table named department in a database. Use it to answer the questions follows.
5. Explain two reasons that may lead an organization not to use database management system.
6. Outline the roles of each of the following in a database management system environment. (i) Hardware; (ii) Data.
7. Interpret the following SQL statements: SELECT deptNo, count(*) FROM Employees GROUP BY deptNo;
8. Table 2 shows unnormalised tables. State a step by step process of normalizing to 3NF.
9. Outline two reasons for considering database security.
10. Explain two recovery techniques that can be used in case of a database failure.
11. Explain the following terms as used during the creation of a table in a database. (i) Cascades (ii) Restrict (iii) Set null
12. Distinguish between the grant and revoke commands as used in databases.
13. With the aid of a diagram, distinguish between the output FROM the union and the intersection operators.
14. Explain two characteristics of the conceptual model of a database design.
15. Write the algebraic expression equivalent to the following SQL statements; SELECT DISTINCT Gender, Salary FROM employee;
16. Write the SQL statements equivalents to the following algebraic expression.
17. Define the term data abstraction as used in database management systems.
18. Explain two disadvantages of database approach.
19. With the aid of an example, describe two categories of SQL as used in databases.
20. Table 3 shows a table named employee in a database used by an employer to manage employees’ salaries. Use it to answer the questions that follow.
21. Outline three types of end users in a database environment.
22. Differentiate between the prime attribute and non-prime attributes as used in databases.
23. Describe two ways of classifying database management systems.
24. Table 4 shows a database table named students. Use it to answer the questions that follow:
25. Explain each of the following terms as used in databases. (i) Two-tier client server architecture (ii) Candidate key
26. Susan, a database administrator, is working on a table named Employee with the following attributes: Employee (employeeNumber, DepartmentNumber, hours, EmployeeNumber, DepartmentName, DepartmentLocation)
27. Explain two reasons that may lead to the migration from the file-based to a database-centered approach.
28. With the aid of a diagram, outline the stages of the database design cycle.
29. Explain two circumstances under which an organization would implement a centralized database system.
30. With the aid of a diagram, outline two paradigms the early models of databases were based on.
31. Distinguish between the entity relationship diagram in figure 1 and figure 2.
32. Write SQL statements that would perform each of the following operations on the table named department.

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