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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 2 Computer Maintenance and Support past paper: November 2018

Distinguish between parallel and pipeling processing techniques as used in computers.

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Questions List:

1. Explain two factors that should be considered while disposing electronic waste.
2. Explain two classification of computer based on functionality.
3. Computer-based training is a common phenomenon in many organizations. Explain two benefits that could be realized when using this training method.
4. Differentiate between volatile and non-volatile computer memory.
5. Lawrence was given a printer for domestic use. Explain two challenges he is likely to face in printer.
6. Explain two circumstances under which a computer user would use a virtual keyboard.
7. Distinguish between a sector and a track as used storage media in computer.
8. Describe each of the following types computer buses: (i)Internal; (ii)External.
9. Explain each of the following terms as used in computer monitors: (i)Resolution; (ii)Backlight.
10. IT support is an indispensable service in any organization. I)Outline two benefits of the service. II)Explain two methods that could be used to procure the service.
11. Zain was diagnosing a client computer that was extremely slow when opening and executing application programs. (i)suggest the possible problem of the computer. (ii)Explain two strategies that he could use to solve the problem in (i).
12. Ruth was required to install certain software in her computer. Outline four types of software installation that she could apply.
13. When procuring a computer, more emphasis should be on the motherboard. Outline three examples of expansion slots that could be found in the motherboard.
14. List four factors that should be considered when selecting a motherboard, other than cost.
15. Janice was advised to perform a cold boot after troubleshooting a software problem with her computer. Explain two reasons that could have influenced her friend’s advice.
16. Maria was diagnosing a computer that was not powering on. Outline three possible causes of the problem.
17. Ryan was advised by his friend to increase the size of cache memory in his computer. Describe two reasons that could justify his friend’s advice.
18. High level formatting is rarely used in computers. Explain two conditions that could influence this type of formatting.
19. Differentiate between boot loader and linker as used in computers.
20. List four examples of utility software used in computer.
21. Explain three circumstances under which a computer technician would update the hardware/software inventory records.
22. Julia was required to write a technical report on a printer that was having frequent paper jams. Explain three possible causes for this problem that she should have highlighted in her report.
23. List two categories of a computer keyboard keys.
24. Distinguish between parallel and pipeling processing techniques as used in computers.