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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Database Management System past paper: July 2019

Explain a circumstance under which each of the following anomalies may occur in unnormalized databases: (6 marks)

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Questions List:

1. Describe types of database management system users. (6 marks)
2. With the aid of a diagram in each case, distinguish between physical and logical data independence as used in database design. (4 marks)
3. Table 1 shows information from a booksDetails relation in a relational database. Use it to answer the question that follows.
4. Explain the term schema as used in the database management system. (2 marks)
5. With the aid of a diagram, explain the two categories of database schema as used in Database design. (6 marks)
6. Distinguish between distributed architecture and client-server architecture as used in database management systems. (4 marks)
7. Outline the function of each of the following constraints as used in SQL. (3 marks) (i) UNIQUE (ii) CHECK (iii) DEFAULT
8. In the early years of computing, punched cards were used for sorting and retrieving data. Outline four challenges that could have been realized from using these devices. (4 marks)
9. Explain three factors that may influence the choice of a database system in an organization. (6 marks)
10. Table 2 is an unnormalized table used by a movie vendor to manage their movie distribution. Normalize the table up to the third normal form.
11. Outline four data definition language (DDL) statements as used in Structured Query Language (SQL). (4 marks)
12. Explain three characteristics of relational databases. (6 marks)
13. Distinguish between domain constraints and referential integrity constraints as used in database design. (4 marks)
14. Explain the output from each of the following algebraic expressions from the relation: (4 marks)
15. Write the algebraic expression for the structured query language statement: (2 marks) Select count(salary) From studentsDetails;
16. Outline the meaning of each of the following terms as used in databases: (3 marks)
17. Explain each of the following relational algebra statements used in databases:
18. Distinguish between generalization and specialization as used in entity relationship diagrams. (4 marks)
19. With the aid of an example, explain the term functional dependency as used in database
20. A company with branches in different cities opted to use a distributed database system to manage the data. Explain three benefits that the company will gain from this approach. (6 marks)
21. Outline four states of transactions in a database management system. (4 marks)
22. Explain a circumstance under which each of the following anomalies may occur in unnormalized databases: (6 marks)
23. Explain the term data replication as used data management system. (2 marks)
24. A company’s database experienced system failure Explain two recovery techniques in which the company should have used in order to recover the data. (4 marks)
25. During the recovery, there was a transaction failure. Explain a reason that may have caused the following types of error: I. Logical error; II. System error.
26. Explain a circumstance under which a database transaction may achieve each of the following properties: (6 marks)
27. Distinguish between union and rename operators as used in relational algebra. (4 marks)
28. The following tables are relations in a database named persons and orders. Use the information to answer the questions that follow:
29. Outline four advantages of using views in a database. (4 marks)
30. Describe two components of a database. (4 marks)
31. A programmer opted to create an application that uses a file system as a means of storing data. Explain three challenges that the system is likely to experience from using this approach. (6 marks)
32. The following is an extract of a relation named customers in a database. Use it to answer the questions that follow:

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