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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Database Management System past paper: November 2015

Outline four advantages of using indexes in SQL. (4 marks)

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Questions List:

1. list six examples of database management system available in the market. (3 marks)
2. Describe a relational database management system. (2 marks)
3. Describe each of the following components of a database: (6 marks) (i) stored procedures; (ii) tables; (iii) Triggers.
4. With the aid of a diagram, describe the three schema database architectures. (9 marks)
5. Outline three characteristics of an entity in a database. (3 marks)
6. Describe each of the following criteria for classification of a database management system: (6 marks) (i) based on data models; (ii) based on the number of user; (iii) based on database distribution
7. with the aid of an example, distinguish between integrity and domain constraints as used in databases. (5 marks)
8. with the aid of an example in each case, describe each of the following attributes as used in databases; (6 marks) (i) simple; (ii) composite; (iii)derived;
9. Outline four advantages of using indexes in SQL. (4 marks)
10. Write a SQL statements equivalent for each of the following relational algebra operations: (6 marks) (i) projections; (ii) difference; (iii) union
11. Distinguish between a data administrator and a database administrator as used in databases. (4 marks)
12. Alex is in the process of designing a database. Explain three phases that he should consider during design. (6 marks)
13. With the aid of an example describe hypermedia database. (3 marks)
14. Explain why each of the following is a threat in a database: (6 marks) (i) loss of integrity (ii) loss of availability; (iii) loss of confidentiality.
15. In a college, a lecture may teach many subjects but may not belong to more than one department. The college maintains information of its lectures’ subject area as follows;
16. Describe the term repeating group as used in normalization. (2 marks)
17. Outline three goals that would be achieved from using a normalized table. (3 marks)
18. Describe each of the following terms as used in database management; (6 marks) (i) domain relational calculus; (ii) query optimizer (iii) Relational algebra.
19. Describe each of the following as used in design of database. (4 marks) (i) Top down; (ii) Bottom up.
20. write the SQL statements that would: (i) display first 3 character of the first_name from the table named employee; (2 marks) (ii)Display names that begins with letters in the range of D and G from the first_name field from the employee table; (3 marks) (iii) Create a table named employeedata with the following properties; (iv) Change the email and commission field values of employees table with
21. Outline four types of states that a transaction may be in during processing in a database management system. (4 marks)
22. Distinguish between direct and indirect end user as used in DBMS. (4 marks)
23. Aristocrafty, encountered some challenges when they introduced a distributed DMS. Explain three technical challenges that the company may have faced. (6 marks)
24. Write equivalent relational algebra statement for each of the following SQL statements; (6 marks)
25. Outline four functions of views as used in SQL. (4 marks)
26. Under what circumstance would each of the following joins be used in relational algebra; (6 marks) (i) left join; (ii) equi join; (iii) cross join.
27. Distinguish between data manipulation language and transaction control language as used in SQL. (4 marks)
28. Mwanziri intends to design an entity relationship diagram for a proposed database system. Outline six procedures guidelines that will enable him meet his objectives. (6 marks)

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