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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Plumbing Craft Theory past paper July 2020

State two steam system components and give one use of each

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Questions List:

1. State four safety precautions observed in relation to tools and equipment
2. State four classes of tools used in plumbing and name one example of each
3. Define the following properties of metals: (i) ductility: (ii) malleability
4. Explain the procedure of hot bending a PVC pipe
5. Distinguish between permanent hardness and temporary hardness in water
6. Explain the 'base exchange' process
7. Outline four disadvantages of the direct system of cold water supply
8. With the aid of sketches, illustrate four welding joints
9. Explain the following terms as used in cold water supply: (i)cistern; (ii)waterline; (iii)communication pipe; (iv) distributing pipe
10. Differentiate between a stop valve and a gate valve
11. Differentiate between brazing and soldering
12. Explain two components of an arc welding machine
13. Explain the purpose of the following components in gas installation: (1)meters; (ii)condensate receiver
14. Outline four properties of insulating materials for hot water systems
15. Explain four advantages and one disadvantage of the centralized water heating system
16. Outline three methods of roof drainage
17. State two steam system components and give one use of each
18. Sketch a labeled vertical section through a rainwater shoe
19. Explain three systems of solar water heating
20. Explain the functions of the following pump components: (i)suction valves; (ii) strainers; (iii)priming devices; (iv) float switches
21. State the two requirements in relation to the termination of stacks
22. State two disadvantages of resealing and anti-siphon traps
23. State where the following stack diameters are suitable in a single stack system: (1)75 or 89 mm diameter; (II)100 mm diameter; (III)125 mm diameter; (IV)150 mm diameter
24. Outline four design requirements of a single stack system