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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Plumbing Craft Theory past paper March 2023

State four advantages of thermal insulation

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Questions List:

1. Define 'heat treatment'
2. State four objectives achieved by heat treatment
3. Explain the function of each of the following devices: (i) float switch; (ii) safety valve; (iii) air valve
4. Sketch and label a one pipe system of the above ground drainage
5. Outline four causes of a water pump failure
6. Sketch and label a petrol interceptor
7. Outline four faults in arc-welded joints
8. Explain the following water treatment processes: (i) removal of hardness using base-exchange; (ii) removal of suspended matter in water; (iii) removal of odour in water
9. Sketch and label an indirect hot water system in a domestic dwelling
10. Outline two safety precautions observed in a plumbing workshop in relation to each of the following: (i) use of electric machines; (ii) floor layout; (iii) personal protection equipment
11. Illustrate two situations through which a drainage trap loses water seal due to siphonage
12. State three design principles of the below ground drainage
13. Sketch the following tools used in plumbing: (i) pipe reamer; (ii) pipe vice
14. Sketch and label a direct cold water supply System in a domestic dwelling
15. Sketch and label the connection of waste water pipe from a wash hand basin fixed to an external wall on the ground floor to a drain pipe
16. List four sources of water used in fire fighting
17. Sketch the following pipe supports:(8 marks) (i)build-in clip; (ii)saddle clip.
18. State four uses of flux
19. Explain each of the following tests carried out on newly laid drains: (ii)alignment test; (ii)obstruction test; (iii)smoke test
20. State two functions of a stop cock
21. State four advantages of thermal insulation
22. Sketch the dry riser firefighting system and explain its operation