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<=Craft Certificate in Plumbing: Plumbing Craft Theory past paper July 2022

Sketch and label a two-pipe system of above the ground drainage

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Questions List:

1. Explain one negative effect of the following behaviour prohibited in a workshop: (i) shouting; (ii) unclean workshop floor; (iii) operating a machine without permission
2. Use sketches to explain the hydrological cycle
3. Sketch the following tools: (i) G-clamp; (ii)pipe reamer
4. Explain how each of the following tools is maintained: (i) cold chisel; (ii) ratchet stock and die
5. Explain the four causes of fall in level during drain testing
6. Illustrate two causes of loss trap seal in a drainage system
7. Sketch and label an indirect cold water system for a domestic house
8. State two advantages of an indirect cold water supply system
9. Outline three negative effects of hard water
10. Define the following terms as used in metals: (i)malleability, (ii) ductility: (iii) hardness
11. Illustrate leftward and rightward gas welding techniques
12. State five factors considered during pump selection
13. Sketch and label a two-pipe system of above the ground drainage
14. State five situations where manholes are located in a drainage system
15. Define the term 'thermal insulation'
16. State four advantages of thermal insulation
17. Name two soil appliances and two waste appliances and where each is used
18. State five safety precautions observed while arc-welding
19. Explain how each of the following water impurities are removed during the treatment process: (1)unpleasant smell; (ii) suspended matter; (iii pathogenic organisms
20. Name six non-ferrous metals