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<=Diploma in Fashion Design and Clothing Technology Module I : Textile Science I and Clothing Construction I theory past paper November 2022

Explain two techniques of achieving a knife-edged effect in sewing.

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Questions List:

1. Outline three effects of napping in cotton fabrics
2. Explain the term 'waterproof finish' in fabrics
3. Outline six uses of water-resistant materials
4. Explain two positive properties of asbestos fibers
5. Highlight five reasons for blending fibers.
6. Outline six properties of cotton fibers
7. Describe three retting methods in linen fiber production.
8. Outline four preparatory measures to ensure before a chemical test
9. Identify four uses of felted fabrics
10. Explain two shortcomings of chemical finishes in fabrics
11. Outline four ways of deterring moth attack on fabrics.
12. Highlight four factors which contribute to abrasion resistance in fabrics
13. Explain four causes of woven fabric shrinkage.
14. Explain three objectives of varying yarn formation methods
15. Explain three factors which contribute to twill fabric properties
16. Distinguish between 'yarn twist' and 'yarn doubling'
17. Outline four properties of a sewing thread
18. Identify four factors which may contribute to the weight of a fabric
19. Outline three desirable properties of the following types of fabrics: (i) Quilts (ii) Satin:
20. Highlight five characteristics of combed yarns
21. Outline five factors which determine the results in dyed fabric.
22. Explain three advantages of double needle sewing machines.
23. Outline four functions of a table in a garment-making workshop.
24. Explain three factors to consider when choosing hand sewing needles
25. Explain two techniques of achieving a knife-edged effect in sewing.
26. Outline the procedure for constructing an inseam pocket along a topstitched yoke seam.
27. Identify six techniques of decorating an edge
28. Outline four ways of securing a facing
29. Identify four techniques of making buttonholes
30. Distinguish between 'under pressing' and 'top pressing'.
31. Outline four methods of disposing of fullness in garments
32. Highlight four ways of maintaining a sewing machine
33. Identify four pressing accessories and equipment