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<=Diploma in Fashion Design and Clothing Technology Module I : Textile Science I and Clothing Construction I theory past paper July 2020

Identify three tools required in a batik process

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Questions List:

1. Explain three factors which determine the properties of fibres
2. Describe each of the following types of yarns: (i) Core-Spun Yarns (ii) Slub Yarns
3. Outline five effects of high twist on cotton yarns:
4. Identify five end uses of wool fibres
5. Outline four shortcomings of chemical tests in fibre identification
6. Highlight two objectives of the fabric chemical test
7. Outline four uses of fancy yarns
8. Highlight four advantages of fancy yarns
9. Explain three causes of fabric shrinkage
10. Describe each of the following processes: (i) Singeing (ii) Desizing (iii) Dyeing
11. Explain five factors which contribute to a correctly dyed fabric
12. Outline four characteristics of lace fabrics
13. Identify five uses of threads
14. Explain four causes of yarn defects
15. Outline three ways of inserting weft yarns during fabric construction
16. Explain two factors which determine the covering power of a fabric
17. Highlight four characteristics of satin fabrics
18. Outline four types of temporary finishes in fabrics
19. Explain three reasons for the high cost of silk fibres
20. Describe three characteristics of batik fabrics
21. Identify three tools required in a batik process
22. Outline five areas where elastic can be applied on a garment
23. Highlight five situations in garment making when hand stitches may be necessary
24. Outline five ways of finishing the hem of a sports trouser
25. Identify five types of infections a First-Aider can easily contract during First Aid
26. Outline three workshop conditions which can contribute to poor quality of garments
27. Explain four uses of trimming on a garment
28. Explain three factors which govern the choice of pockets
29. Explain five factors which determine the choice of seams for garments
30. Highlight five causes of bobbin thread breakage
31. Outline five factors to consider when choosing fasteners