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<=Diploma in Agriculture module I: Agricultural Economics I and Extension Education past past paper July 2019

Explain the factors affecting demand changes

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State the four basic economic concepts
2. Highlight the importance of economics
3. Explain the advantages of a free market economy
4. State the law of demand.
5. Explain the factors affecting demand changes
6. Differentiate between a change in supply and a change in quantity supplied
7. State four characteristics of money
8. Explain the three types of price elasticity of demand
9. When the income of a consumer increases from Ksh. 1000 to Ksh. 1200, the demand increases from 5 units to 7 units. Determine the income elasticity of the consumer
10. Explain the factors considered when selecting a particular farming system
11. State the advantages of division of labour
12. Highlight the assumptions of the law of diminishing returns
13. Explain the characteristics of sole proprietorship
14. State the characteristics of urban societies
15. Explain the characteristics of culture
16. Describe the ways of getting a leader in a group
17. Explain the causes of cultural changes in societies
18. Describe five social institutions that are involved in rural development
19. Describe the functions of agricultural extension
20. Highlight the advantages of participatory approach
21. Explain the role of agricultural administrators