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<=Diploma in Agriculture module I: Agricultural Economics I and Extension Education past past paper July 2022

Illustrate the long run average cost curve (LRAC) in relation to output

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain the four divisions of economics
2. Describe six characteristics of utility
3. Explain each of the following types of demand: (i)autonomous; (ii)derived; (iii)price; (iv)income; (^)cross.
4. Highlight five characteristics of a free market
5. Explain five effects of seasonal fluctuation in production of agricultural commodities
6. Describe five characteristics of money
7. Illustrate the long run average cost curve (LRAC) in relation to output
8. Explain how LRAC curve is arrived at.
9. Explain the changes in economies of scale along the LRAC curve
10. State five functions of money
11. Highlight five disadvantages of owner operated farming business
12. Explain five economic factors influencing types of farming
13. Describe the following types of leadership (i)authoritarian; (ii) Laissez-faire
14. Explain endogenous social change under the following: (i)meaning; (ii)source
15. Explain six sources of social change in a society
16. Highlight five features of professional ethics
17. Explain five principles that guide extension education
18. Explain five reasons that led to the failure of conventional agricultural extension approach
19. Differentiate between primary and secondary social groups