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<=Diploma in Agriculture module 2 : Agricultural Economics II ,Extension Education and Home Economics past paper November 2011

Explain the factors that influence the effectiveness of a communicator

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Questions List:

1. Define the term agricultural marketing
2. Explain the role of agricultural marketing
3. Describe the characteristics of pure competition in agricultural marketing
4. In reference to monopoly market structure: (1)explain five sources; (ii) state two advantages and three disadvantages
5. Explain the following characteristics of agricultural products that affect their marketing: (1) limited elasticity of demand (ii)changes in market demand: (iii) seasonality: (iv)bulkiness; (v) storage.
6. Define the following terms: (1)development; - (ii)economic growth: (iii) economic development
7. Discuss how the population structure affects the economic development of a country
8. Define the term International trade
9. Outline the importance of International trade
10. Enumerate five limitations of International trade
11. Explain the concept of comparative advantage
12. Explain the elements of communication process
13. Explain the factors that influence the effectiveness of a communicator
14. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the following extension methodologies: (i)mass; (ii)group; (iii) individual.
15. Explain the five stages in adoption process.
16. With reference to school age children, adolescents and geriatrics, give explanation for each of the following cases: (a)causes of inadequate dietary intake; (b) action that should be taken to prevent malnutrition (c)Relate nutrition to infection
17. Define the term consumer education
18. State the role of a consumer in an economic system
19. Explain the principles of wise shopping.

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