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<=Diploma in Agriculture module 2 : Agricultural Economics II ,Extension Education and Home Economics past paper July 2011

Describe the influence of opinion leadership in an innovation adoption process

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Questions List:

1. Explain the problems associated with marketing of agricultural produce
2. Explain the following economic concepts. (i)Economic growth (ii)Gross domestic product (GDP) (iii) Economic development (iv) Per capita income
3. Explain how the accessibility to credit can stimulate economic growth and development
4. Describe the marketing role played by the wholesalers
5. Describe the process of determining the marketing mix
6. Describe six control measures that may be used in controlling and regulating trade between two countries.
7. Highlight objectives used to overcome the obstacles of economic development
8. State the disadvantages of monopolistic market
9. Highlight objectives of promotion programmes in marketing
10. Explain the benefit of electronic commerce to: (1)Business organizations (ii)Consumers
11. State components of agricultural Act that promote environmental conservation
12. Explain the significance of farm visit as an extension teaching method.
13. Highlight the essentials of effective communication in extension education
14. Distinguish collective innovation from authority innovation decisions
15. State seven forms of written communication used by extension worker
16. Explain the importance of using visual aids in extension education
17. Describe the influence of opinion leadership in an innovation adoption process
18. Highlight the benefits of breast feeding
19. Explain the term Body Mass Index
20. Describe the characteristics that distinguish saturated from unsaturated fats
21. Describe preventive and control measures of typhoid
22. State the symptoms of anaemia
23. Explain the significance of adequate ventilation in a house