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<=Diploma in Agriculture module 2 : Agricultural Economics II ,Extension Education and Home Economics past paper July 2018

Highlight the importance of marketing

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Highlight the importance of marketing
2. Outline the market research process
3. Explain any four functions of distribution channels
4. Explain four sources of monopoly
5. Describe the macro-environmental factors affecting the marketing process
6. Explain the causes of fluctuation on the rate of exchange
7. Describe policy measures that may be used to correct the balance of payment deficit
8. Highlight the objectives of Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
9. Describe the levels of economic integration
10. Explain strategies adopted by developing countries to alleviate the debt crisis
11. Explain the influence of opinion leaders in adoption process
12. State the characteristics of early majority
13. Highlight five ways of making formal learning effective
14. Describe the factors that may influence the effectiveness of a communicator
15. Explain the objectives of extension education
16. Describe tuberculosis (TB) with respect to: (1) signs and symptoms (ii): prevention and control.
17. Explain the causes of malnutrition
18. State the advantages of budgeting
19. Highlight the advantages of hire-purchase.
20. Highlight the dangers of inadequate waste disposal
21. Give the factors to consider when buying a household good.