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<=Diploma in Agriculture module 1 : Principles of crop production I and Soil science past paper July 2019

Explain the mechanisms that favour cross pollination in crops

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Questions List:

1. Explain relay cropping under the following: (i) meaning: (ii) benefits.
2. Explain the methods used in harvesting agroforestry tree species.
3. Explain the criteria used in classification of herbicides
4. A farmer applied 200 kg of 20:10:15 N:P:K fertilizer in a plot of land. Determine the amount of: (ii) nutrients contained in the fertilizer, ii) filler material.
5. Describe the steps involved in T (shield) budding
6. Highlight the functions of Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service
7. Explain the mechanisms that favour cross pollination in crops
8. Outline the steps involved in hay making
9. Highlight the factors influencing the quality of hay.
10. State the problems affecting crop production in Kenya
11. Explain the causes of poor fertility in acidic soils.
12. Explain the measures that may be used in management of soil acidity.
13. Highlight the importance of soil texture in agriculture
14. Describe the effects of topography on soil formation.
15. Describe cation exchange under the following: (i) meaning; (ii) principles.
16. Explain the approaches used in soil classification
17. Describe the categories used in the new comprehensive system of soil classification.