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<=Diploma in Agriculture module 1 : Principles of crop production I and Soil science past paper July 2018

Distinguish quantitative variation from qualitative variation

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Questions List:

1. Explain ways by which crop rotation maintains soil fertility.
2. Highlight the advantages of row planting
3. Calculate the seed rate in Kg/ha for a seed sample that has 3500 seeds per kilogram, germination percentage of 90%, field loss of 10% and the target plant population of 30 plants per square meter
4. Distinguish quantitative variation from qualitative variation
5. Explain causes of variation in plant breeding.
6. Highlight the significance of apomixis in plant breeding
7. Explain the criteria used in classification of pastures.
8. Explain factors that contribute to successful graft union.
9. Explain the measures that may be used to improve food production in Kenya
10. Highlight the benefits of agroforestry system
11. Explain the purpose of seed legislation in Kenya.
12. Outline the stages involved in seed production
13. Using diagrams, describe 2:1 silicate clay colloid with respect to: (i) structure; (ii) properties
14. Explain the importance of the negative charge on soil colloids
15. Outline oven method of determining soil moisture content.
16. Explain the different types of soil acidity.
17. Explain the ways in which ammonium fertilizers increase soil acidity
18. Describe the solonetz soils with respect to: (i) properties; (ii) consequence on crop production; (iii) reclamation