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<=Diploma in Agriculture module 1 : Principles of crop production I and Soil science past paper July 2017

Outline the activities involved in seed certification.

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Questions List:

1. Explain any five agronomic practices that increase soil organic matter.
2. Explain how the following factors influence crop production: (i) light intensity (ii) light duration
3. Describe the following methods of crop protection: (i) allelopathy: (ii) drenching
4. Explain ways of enhancing effectiveness of pesticides
5. Describe eutrophication process
6. Highlight the management practices of trees and shrubs in agroforestry
7. Give any five disadvantages of alley cropping
8. State any five advantages of containerised seedlings
9. Describe the following classes of seeds: (i) breeder (ii) foundation; (iii) certified
10. outline the T-building method of propagation
11. Given that maize is planted at a spacing of 75cm x 30cm using 20: 10: 5 fertilizer at a rate of 5 grams per planting hole, calculate: i) the quantity of fertilizer in kilograms, needed to plant maize on a piece of land measuring 100 m x 70 m; ii) amount of each of the three primary macro-nutrients applied with fertilizer. iii) amount of filler material applied with the fertilizer.
12. Explain the causes of herbicide selectivity
13. With respect to a forage crop for silage making, explain the relationship between: (i) quality and stages of growth; (ii) quantity and stages of growth; (iii) state the best stage for harvesting the forage crop.
14. Define the term 'seed rate'
15. Describe the variables used in calculation of seed rate
16. Define the following terms: (i) mass selection (ii) pure line selection, (iii) polyploidy; (iv) genetic engineering
17. Describe relay cropping with respect to: (i)definition, (ii) advantages.
18. Explain the types of seed dormancy
19. Outline the activities involved in seed certification.