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<=Diploma in Agriculture module 1 : Principles of crop production I and Soil science past paper November 2012

Discuss biological pest control

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Questions List:

1. Name six protein based fodder crops
2. Describe factors that determine the quality of hay.
3. Explain selection objectives for a new crop variety.
4. Describe five ways in which problems facing agriculture in Kenya can be reduced
5. Describe the principles of crop protection.
6. Discuss biological pest control
7. Outline the procedure for preparing containerised agroforestry seedlings from seeds.
8. Describe edaphic factors that affect crop production
9. Explain advantages of biotechnology in crop production
10. Describe the two important spheres that contribute to the formation of parent material.
11. Describe the factors that affect bulk density of the soil
12. Explain the soil reaction phenomenon
13. Describe the characteristics of vertisols