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<=Diploma in Agriculture module 1 : Principles of crop production I and Soil science past paper November 2013

Explain the aspects of seed viability.

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Questions List:

1. Explain how the following environmental factors influence crop production. (i) Light; (ii) Temperature.
2. Outline the establishment procedure of a grass pasture.
3. State any five ways of improving crop yields in arid and semi-arid (ASAL)
4. Describe the following practices in crop production. (i) Improved fallow system; (ii) Cultural control of pests
5. Explain the importance of seed dormancy
6. Explain the aspects of seed viability.
7. Outline eight factors to consider in the choice of forage crop for planting
8. Name the materials used in vegetative propagation of the following crops. (i) Yam (ii) Lily, (iii) Irish potato; (iv) Kikuyu grass; (v) Banana.
9. Outline five external and four internal factors that may influence seed germination
10. Describe three components that constitute yield in grain crops.
11. Outline the role of Kenya plant health inspection services (KEPHIS) in seed trade
12. Discuss the effects of weeds in crop production.
13. Discuss benefits of breeding for pest resistance
14. Outline the properties of soil rich in: (i) Hydrous oxides; (ii) Vertisols.
15. Explain how the following microfauna are beneficial to crop production. (i) Root nodule bacteria; (ii) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
16. Explain the difference between horizon A and lower horizons in a soil profile.
17. Highlight the factors that influence cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil.
18. Differentiate between particle density and bulk density of soil.
19. Outline the features of residual parent material in soils.
20. Explain how climate influences the profile of residual parent material in soils.
21. Describe the properties of 2:1 silicate clays