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<=Diploma in Agriculture module 1 : Principles of crop production I and Soil science past paper November 2018

Using an illustration, describe the organic soil colloids..

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain the importance of agroforestry tree species in soil and water conservation
2. Explain the factors that influence nitrogen fixation in leguminous fodder crops
3. Outline the steps involved in seed production.
4. Describe the effects of plant morphology and anatomy on effectiveness of herbicides.
5. Outline the procedure involved in clonal selection.
6. Explain the factors considered when selecting cuttings.
7. Highlight the role of seed legislation in Kenya
8. Define the term 'hybridization".
9. Highlight the advantages of hybridization in crop production.
10. Outline the steps involved in hybridization.
11. Describe nitrogen nutrient in crops with respect to: (i) functions; (ii) deficiency symptoms,
12. Highlight the problems affecting marketing of farm produce.
13. Highlight the properties of umbric diagnostic epipedon
14. Define the term 'cation exchange capacity (CEC)'.
15. Describe the factors influencing cation exchange capacity.
16. Explain the importance of cation exchange capacity.
17. Using chemical equations, explain the following causes of soil acidity: (i) hydrolysis of aluminium ions; (ii) microbial acid production.
18. Describe the effects of soil acidity on plant nutrient availability.
19. Explain the criteria used in classification of parent materials.
20. Using an illustration, describe the organic soil colloids..