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<=Diploma in Agriculture module 1 : Animal production I past paper July 2017

Define the following terms:
i. epistasis;
ii. pleiotropy;
iii. dominance;
iv. recessive
v. phenotype

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Define the following terms: i. epistasis; ii. pleiotropy; iii. dominance; iv. recessive v. phenotype
2. Explain progeny testing with respect to: (i) situations in which it is used; (ii) requirements for effective testing.
3. Describe the individual selection method:
4. Highlight any five sanitary measures taken to protect a healthy herd from diseases
5. Describe anthrax in cattle with respect to: (i) causative agent; (ii) symptoms; (iii) control
6. Explain how a calf is trained for bucket feeding
7. Outline good hand milking procedure:
8. Give the importance of livestock to man
9. Define the term 'production system'
10. Name four livestock production systems
11. Explain the grazing management in a sown pasture land in rangelands:
12. Describe any five preventive measures in disease control on the farm
13. Explain the term "feeding standards
14. Describe any five factors necessary for an animal to meet its nutritional requirement from a feedstuff
15. Figure 1 shows the stage of growth of established pasture to be grazed on site (i) Identify the curves: (i) ST; (ii) XY. (ii) Name stage D: (iii) Explain the relationship between quality/quantity of pasture and age:
16. State any four causes of waste on the established pasture
17. Give any five ways of preventing pasture waste
18. Discuss the observable animal attributes that a stockman should look for to ascertain the health status of farm animals