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<=Diploma in Agriculture module 1 : Animal production I past paper July 2018

Highlight six methods of decreasing protein and amino acids degradation in the rumen

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Questions List:

1. Explain the following terms as used in animal production: (i) type of animal; (ii) indigenous breed.
2. Highlight the problems facing the pastoral system of animal production
3. Highlight the reasons for weight determination of an animal
4. Describe the following methods of livestock identification: (i) Freeze branding: (ii) Ear tagging
5. Describe the following types of vaccines: (i) Inactivated (killed); (ii) Live attenuated
6. Explain the following strategies used to manage livestock distribution: (i) water; (ii) supplements; (iii) fencing
7. State any five rules observed when using a plunge dip
8. Highlight the factors that affect stocking rate in rangelands
9. Explain the contribution of animals to humanity
10. Define the term 'gene frequency'
11. Describe the following types of mutations: (i) substitution (ii) insertion; (iii) deletion.
12. Distinguish continuous grazing from strip grazing
13. Discuss feedlot system with respect to: (i) meaning (ii) advantages; (iii) disadvantages
14. Define the term 'reproductive cloning' in animals
15. Explain five methods of animal disease prevention
16. Describe economic selection index with respect to: (i) steps; (ii) advantages; (iii) disadvantages
17. Explain the concept of by-pass protein in ruminant nutrition
18. Discuss Actinobacillosis in cattle with respect to: (i) causative agent: (ii) signs and symptoms; (iii) treatment; (iv) prevention and control
19. Differentiate between dietary essential and dietary non-essential amino acids
20. Highlight six methods of decreasing protein and amino acids degradation in the rumen
21. Explain the losses incurred by the farmer due to animal diseases