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<=Diploma in Agriculture module 1 : Animal production I past paper November 2022

(a) Describe the following diseases under aetiology, symptoms, and control:
(a) mastitis;
(b) anaplasmosis

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Questions List:

1. Explain five ways through which livestock contribute to household livelihoods
2. Explain the management of total feedlot animals
3. Describe drenching cattle under the following: (a) meaning: (b) effects of incorrect drenching; (c) methods of drenching.
4. Highlight four characteristics of East African rangelands
5. Explain the four principles of grazing management
6. (a) Explain each of the following breeding systems: (i) random mating: (ii) phenotypic assortive mating: (iii) phenotypic dissortive mating: (iv) genetic assortive mating. (v) genetic dissortive mating.
7. In a certain population, 38% of the individuals are recessive homozygotes for a certain trait. Assuming the population obeys Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and has 14500 individual animals, calculate the: (i) frequency of homozygous recessive individuals; (ii) number of homozygous dominant individuals; (iii) number of heterozygous dominant individuals.
8. Highlight the benefits of feeding bypass protein feeds
9. (b) Define each of the following terms: (i) formula (ii) nutrient; (iii) diet; (iv) ration; (v) feedstuff.
10. (a) Describe the following diseases under aetiology, symptoms, and control: (a) mastitis; (b) anaplasmosis
11. Explain five methods used in rangeland improvement
12. Explain five types of losses that would occur due to animal diseases
13. (a) Explain the meaning of each of the following: (i) breed; (ii) type of animal; (iii) indigenous breed; (iv) exotic breed.
14. Differentiate between essential and non-essential amino acids
15. Explain four problems associated with inadequate supply of amino acids in livestock