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<=Diploma in Agriculture module II : Animal production II past paper November 2022

A rectangular fish pond measuring 60 m 70 m requires stocking with cat fish fingerlings. From research stocking density of cat fish in static water pond is 1.8 kg of fish per meter squared. If the farmer intends to harvest fish of average size 900 g with a mortality rate of 5%, calculate the number of fingerlings to put in the pond

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Questions List:

1. Highlight the criteria used in fish species selection for pond stocking
2. Explain seven clinical symptoms of internal parasites in livestock.
3. Describe the management of piglets
4. Highlight five objectives of poultry breeding
5. Explain poultry feeding management in hot climate under the following: (i)feed form; (ii) dietary energy concentration.
6. Describe management of mating behaviour in camels
7. Explain six adaptive advantages of camel foraging over other livestock species
8. Explain three qualities of a donkey trainer
9. A rectangular fish pond measuring 60 m 70 m requires stocking with cat fish fingerlings. From research stocking density of cat fish in static water pond is 1.8 kg of fish per meter squared. If the farmer intends to harvest fish of average size 900 g with a mortality rate of 5%, calculate the number of fingerlings to put in the pond
10. Highlight eight factors that determine cat fish stocking density in a pond
11. Explain the following methods of mating in poultry: (1)flock mating: (ii)pen mating: (iii) stud mating.
12. Highlight seven characteristics of a good dairy camel.
13. Outline seven signs of a sick draught animal.
14. Highlight four clinical symptoms of metritis mastitis agalactia (MMA) in sows
15. Explain the management practices during farrowing
16. State four abnormal stance behaviour in animals.
17. Describe internal parasite control in animals.