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<=Diploma in Agriculture module II : Crop Production, Soil fertility and plant nutrition past paper July 2018

Using Chemical Equations, Explain the Reaction of Calcium Carbonate in Acidic Soils

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Questions List:

1. Describe Late Blight Disease in Irish Potatoes with respect to: (i) Cause; (ii) Symptoms: (iii) Control
2. Describe Sweet Potato Production with respect to: (i) land preparations; (ii) crop establishment; (iii) Harvesting; (iv) Curing
3. Explain the ways of handling the following problems in wheat production: (i) Soil acidity; (ii) Copper deficiency; (iii) Weed control; (iv) Seed rate.
4. Describe Weed Control in Paddy Rice
5. Give any five uses of coconut
6. Describe Coconut Production with respect to: (i) ecological requirements; (i) Propagation; (ii) Field management practices (iii) Harvesting
7. Describe the following practices in coffee: (i) Harvesting ; (ii) Handling and desuckering
8. Outline the Delinting Process of Cotton
9. Explain the factors that influence the quality in wattle
10. Outline the Stages Involved in Sisal Processing
11. The fertilizer recommendation for a given crop is given as 100 kg P₂O₅/ha. Determine: (i) Amount of D.A.P (18:46:0) Fertilizer Required in Kilogram per Hectare (ii) Amount of Nitrogen Contained in the D.A.P Fertilizer
12. Explain the effects of C:N ratio on decomposition of organic matter
13. State the Characteristics of a Suitable Urea Inhibitor
14. Highlight the Objectives of Soil Testing
15. Explain the Factors Influencing Volatilization of Nitrogenous Fertilizers
16. Explain Four Methods of Evaluating Plant Nutrients Levels
17. Outline the Steps Involved in Soil Testing
18. Using Chemical Equations, Explain the Reaction of Calcium Carbonate in Acidic Soils