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<=Diploma in Agriculture module II : Crop Production, Soil fertility and plant nutrition past paper July 2019

Describe Sweet Potato Virus Disease with respect to:
(i) Cause;
(ii) Symptoms
(iii) Control

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Questions List:

1. 1. Describe tobacco production with respect to: (a) Preparation of planting materials; (b) Nursery establishment (c) Priming.
2. Describe Sweet Potato Virus Disease with respect to: (i) Cause; (ii) Symptoms (iii) Control
3. Outline the Process of Bringing Tea into Production
4. With respect to nursery establishment in coffee, describe each of the following: (a) Site selection; (b) Establishment; (c) Management.
5. Describe sorghum production with respect to: (a) Ecological requirement; (b) Varieties; (c) Crop establishment (d) Ratooning
6. Highlight the characteristics of HART 89 M variety of cotton
7. Outline the steps involved in sugarcane production
8. Explain the importance of soil microorganisms in soil fertility
9. Outline the steps involved in plant tissue analysis
10. Define the term ‘Carbon:Nitrogen (C:N) ratio’
11. Explain the significance of C:N ratio
12. Highlight the characteristics of a fertile soil
13. Define the term ‘critical nutrient concentration’
14. Figure 1 shows the relationships between plant nutrient concentration and percentage maximum growth rate
15. A farmer intends to apply C.A.N fertilizer (26% N) in a plot measuring 40 m by 100 m planted with maize at a spacing of 75 cm x 25 cm. Given that the fertilizer rate is 78 kg N/ha, determine the amount of C.A.N fertilizer applied per plant.
16. Using a balanced chemical equation, explain the reaction of calcium oxide lime applied to a soil.