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<=Diploma in Agriculture module II : Crop Production, Soil fertility and plant nutrition past paper November 2022

Explain eight factors that influence organic matter content in the soil

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Questions List:

1. Highlight eight effects of weeds in coffee production
2. State seven reasons for vegetative propagation in tea
3. Explain nursery establishment in tea with respect to: (i) Selection of Nursery Site (ii) Selection of Soil for the Nursery
4. Describe bean fly pest under the following: (i) Symptoms (ii) Control
5. Explain seven post-harvest management practices carried out in sugar cane ratoon crop
6. Describe cassava mosaic disease under the following: (i) Symptoms (ii) Control
7. Describe crop establishment in cassava with respect to: (i) Quality of Planting Materials (ii) Orientation of Planting (iii) Planting Depth (iv) Spacing
8. Describe eight practices involved in harvesting cotton
9. Explain cutting back in pyrethrum production under the following: (i) Meaning: (ii) Purpose (iii) Method
10. Explain wheat production under the following: (i) Management of Acidic Soil Condition (ii) Preventive Weed Control
11. Explain the benefits of each of the following: (ii) Ratooning in Sorghum (i) Early Planting in Maize
12. Describe the effects of aluminum toxicity on plants
13. Highlight eight benefits of proper use of liming materials
14. Explain seven negative effects of inorganic fertilizers on the environment
15. Explain liming with respect to: (i) Types of Liming Materials (ii) Lime Fineness
16. Explain eight factors that influence organic matter content in the soil