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<=Diploma in Agriculture module II : Crop Production, Soil fertility and plant nutrition past paper November 2013

Define the following:
(i) Physiological maturity;
(ii) Seed inoculation;
(iii) Seed dressing.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Define the following: (i) Physiological maturity; (ii) Seed inoculation; (iii) Seed dressing.
2. Explain maize streak disease under the following: (i) cause; (ii) Symptoms; (iii) Control
3. Explain the constraints facing the sisal industry
4. Explain seed pretreatment practices for rice in the nursery
5. Highlight cultural methods for controlling pests in beans
6. Explain the factors affecting pyrethrin content in pyrethrum
7. Describe multiple stem pruning in coffee under the following: (i) Advantages: (ii) Disadvantages:
8. Explain how the following factors determine sugarcane quality: (i) Brix; (ii) POL; (iii) Purity; (iv) Fibre content
9. Differentiate between tipping and breaking back in tea production: (i) Tipping (ii) Breaking Back
10. State the remedial measures for rectifying soil acidity for wheat
11. Describe aflatoxin mold in groundnuts under the following: (i) Causal organism (ii) Symptoms; (iii) Control measures
12. Describe coconut utilization
13. Describe the harvesting and post-harvest handling of cashew nuts
14. State two reasons why smooth-shell macadamia cultivars are preferred
15. Citing examples in each case, differentiate between symbiotic and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation
16. The figure 1, below shows activities that take place when fresh organic matter with high C:N ratio added to soil; (i) With respect to C:N ratio, explain the phenomenon as illustrated by P, T, and region S: (ii) Suggest three ways a farmer can use to minimize effects illustrated in figure 1:
17. Explain the factors that affect the quality of farmyard manure
18. A farmer wants to prepare 1000 Kg of fertilizer grade 15:10:0 using the following: AMMONIUM NITRATE 34:0:0, TRIPLE SUPER PHOSPHATE TO BE USED; FILTER MATERIALS TO BE ADDED.
19. Explain three factors that affect the effectiveness of fertigation
20. Describe methods of placement of dry fertilizers
21. Describe five advantages of liming soils