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<=Exam Prediction Paper: Diploma in ICT Module 2 System analysis and design

Explain two importance of system analysis

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Questions List:

1. Outline two roles of a system owner in system development
2. Describe two components of an expert system
3. With the aid of a diagram, describe an open system
4. Differentiate between structured English and pseudo code system design tools
5. Keytech company implements a management information system (MIS). Explain three benefits of the company would accrue from its use
6. Mary used spiral model methodology during system development. Outline three reasons for using this methodology
7. Dwelfix Company acquired an information system through outsourcing method. Explain three circumstances that could have led to the use of this method
8. Outline FIVE characteristics of user-friendly software
9. A company developed a mobile application module system for their operation. (i) Describe the most appropriate change over method the company could use (ii) Explain two limitations of the changeover method in (i)
10. David used a decision table to design a system. There are three conditions C1, C2, and C3 and two possible outcomes D1 and D2. If two of the conditions are met, D1 applies otherwise D2. Represent this logic in a limited entry decision table
11. Explain two advantages of normalization in a database design
12. Explain two importance of system analysis
13. James created a data dictionary for a system he was developing. Outline three symbols he is likely to have used
14. State four items that could be included in Terms of Reference (TOR) document
15. Differentiate between open and closed system
16. Mark, a system analyst conducted a technical feasibility study for an information system. Describe two requirements he could have considered
17. Jacob developed a database for an information system. Describe two models he could have used to develop the database
18. Describe two methods that could be used to capture data directly into a database
19. Outline four rules followed when drawing data flow in a flow diagram.
20. Describe two prototyping techniques used during system development
21. Differentiate between limited entry and extended entry decision table
22. Bidii company intends to develop a new information system. Outline four reasons that could have led to this consideration
23. Joan used questionnaires and interviews method to collect data in a new information system. State two advantages for each method