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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 1 Operating Systems past paper: July 2015

One of the functions of operating system is to maintain computer security. Explain two ways that the operating system uses to achieve this in multi_ user environment

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Questions List:

1. Define each of the following terms as used in operating system. i.Buffer ii.Virtual device
2. Distinguish between state and dynamic pipelining as used in process management
3. Distinguish between disk mirroring and disk cloning as used in disk management
4. One of the functions of operating system is to maintain computer security. Explain two ways that the operating system uses to achieve this in multi_ user environment
5. Distinguish between semaphore and interface metaphor as used in operating system
6. During an operating system lesson, the teacher mentioned several similarities between disk operating system and windows operating system. Outline four that he could have mentioned
7. Juab recommended the use of redundant array disk in order to improve performance of the computer system. Give two reasons for his recommendation.
8. Outline the functions of each of the following features as used in process management. i.Message passing. ii.Process control block.
9. Distinguish between master and slave disk as used in operating system
10. Define each of the following terms as used in memory management. i.Non _blocking ii.Device driver.
11. Explain each of the following terms as used in process management. i.Hold and wait ii.Mutual exclusion
12. Josh observed the disk access rate of two machines A and B and noted that it took longer for machine A to read and write than machine B. Explain three factors that could have led to this difference.
13. Suzy had the following description of different types of operating system. i. Operating system that manages a group of independent computers and makes them to appear as single computer. ii.Operating system designed to operate on small machines like PDAs with less autonomy and limited resources. iii.Operating system designed to achieve quick and predictable responses to events. Identify the type
14. List six examples of utility programs used in Windows operating system
15. With an aid of diagram describe round robin as used in operating systems
16. Scheduling can be categorized as high level, medium level or low level. Explain each of these categories and for each. State the type of the process it is best suited to perfume
17. Jose an ICT officer recommended that his organization should purchase an operating system with a command based interface. Explain three advantages of this interface that could leave influenced the recommendation
18. with the aid of a diagram describe the multilayer architecture of operating systems
19. Explain the circumstance under which an unsafe state may occur in process management
20. Outline four advantages of the NTFS file system as used in operating systems
21. Describe each of the following placement policies as used in memory management. i. Direct mapping ii.Fully associative iii.Set associative
22. Figure 1 shows a directory file system. Use it to answer the questions as follows i.Identify the file system and state one disadvantage of this file system
23. Explain the circumstances under which the plug and play facility could be most applicable in computer systems
24. Outline three functions of the memory management in operating system software
25. Jumbo college has invited you to give a lecture on the function of the software clock in operating system. Explain three functions that you could mention.
26. With an aid of a diagram describe the segmentation memory allocation technique as applied in operating system