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<=Diploma in Project Management module II: Project Quality management past paper July 2023

Mambo Fast Foods has received complaints from customers regarding the quality of chips. Highlight five actions that the management may take to address the complaints

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Questions List:

1. Mambo Fast Foods has received complaints from customers regarding the quality of chips. Highlight five actions that the management may take to address the complaints
2. Explain five ways in which quality management may lead to increased revenues, in an organization
3. Explain five reasons that make a project scope statement necessary in project quality management.
4. Outline five limitations to the successful implementation of quality assurance activities in an organization.
5. Explain four ways in which a project manager may empower staff assigned a project task
6. Outline the nature of information that should be captured in a project quality assurance monitoring form
7. Highlight five quality control activities that may be supported by computer software in project quality management
8. Customer service is the extent to which the customer is assisted to keep a product in continuous use. Outline five ways in ich a manufacturer may provide such services to a customer
9. Explain four uses of information relating to project risks.
10. Highlight six characteristics of a flowchart that makes it essential in project quality improvement.
11. Outline four stages of the Deming Cycle of quality assurance.
12. Describe the steps that should be followed by a project team when developing a pareto chart.
13. Communication gaps amongst project team members is a barrier to project quality improvement. Highlight five measures that a project manager may take to overcome such gaps.
14. Outline five reasons that may make it necessary for a project team to agree on roles of the team members