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<=Diploma in Project Management module II: Project Quality management past paper November 2022

Explain four circumstances under which a marketing agency may use software to control the quality of projects in an organization

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain five ways in which project quality audits contribute to quality assurance in a project
2. Highlight five ways in which product testing may enhance customer satisfaction in a project.
3. Explain four circumstances under which a marketing agency may use software to control the quality of projects in an organization
4. Outline six methods that a project team may use to obtain customer feedback during the process of quality assurance
5. Explain five reasons that make quality management essential during project implementation.
6. Explain five benefits that an organization may derive from adopting established quality standards in project management
7. Highlight four types of work performance information that a project team may require for project quality planning.
8. Describe the steps that should be followed by a project team when implementing a quality management system in a project
9. Highlight five activities that a team may carry out during project quality planning
10. Flexible decision making arrangement is desirable for mitigating risk when a project is operating under conditions of uncertainty. Highlight five such arrangements
11. Outline five advantages of undertaking benchmarking exercise with other organizations in project management
12. Explain five objectives of carrying out regular quality control inspection during project implementation
13. Outline five steps that should be followed by a project team when developing a quality procedure in project management
14. Explain five parameters that may be used to identify the critical path in a project.